Wind farm with beautiful sunset by the water

We conduct public interest financial analysis on the most profound economic transformation since the industrial revolution: the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy.

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Climate Energy Finance (CEF) is a think tank established in 2022 that works probono in the public interest to accelerate decarbonisation. We conduct research and analyses on global financial issues related to the global energy transition from fossil fuels to clean energy, as well as the implications for the Australian economy, with a key focus on the threats and opportunities for Australian investments and exports. Read more

Our Work

Reports and Analysis |  |  Jul 2, 2024

MONTHLY CHINA ENERGY UPDATE | China to Achieve its 2030 Installed Clean Energy Target in July 2024

China will achieve its 1,200GW wind and solar installed capacity by 2030 target by end July 2024, six years ahead of schedule. 103.5GW of zero-emissions capacity was added during the first 5 months of CY2024, as thermal power additions declined by 45% y-o-y as the end of May CY2024 notwithstanding a still exceptionally strong +6.9% y-o-y YTD2024 increase in electricity demand. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Jun 21, 2024

OP ED | Warmer Ties Could Cool the Planet: Potential for Australia-China Green Energy Collaboration 

Australia and China’s improving diplomatic relationship, highlighted by recent high-level meetings and record trade, presents significant opportunities for green energy collaboration. With China facing overcapacity in solar panels, batteries, and electric vehicles, Australia stands to benefit from redirected Chinese investments. By leveraging its abundant renewable resources and enhancing critical mineral processing, Australia can become a more appealing supplier, particularly in the wake of global trade tensions. Read more


CEF in the media  |  Jul 24, 2024

AEMO Quarterly Dynamics report

ABC NewsRadio

Tim Buckley breaks down why we have seen massive power price spikes in the NEM – coal’s unreliability, system gaming by gentailers and the failure of the approvals system to bring firmed renewables replacement capacity online Read more

CEF in the media  |  Jul 22, 2024

Tim Buckley on ABC News | China is installing record amounts of solar and wind

ABC TV News Channel

Tim Buckley on ABC News: China is installing record amounts of solar and wind, and is building a modern and flexible power system at world-leading speed and scale. Read more

CEF in the media  |  Jul 19, 2024

Fortescue green hydrogen partnership with AGL at former Liddell coal power station mothballed

ABC online

Multinational metals giant Fortescue has confirmed it has put green hydrogen plans for the NSW Upper Hunter on the backburner. Director of energy industry think tank Climate Energy Finance, Tim Buckley, said he understood why FFI had backed away from the Liddell idea after conducting the feasibility study. He said Mr Forrest was ambitious in thinking the project, and other FFI green hydrogen projects, could take off so quickly. Mr Buckley said the technology for green hydrogen was still lagging behind in many respects, especially in the large cost of exporting hydrogen from Australia to the world. “[The technology] is yet to be commercialised, and I say that in terms of production but more importantly in terms of international transportation,” he said. “The cost of the transportation is prohibitive and it’s in fact not even commercially viable at this point in time, and won’t be for another decade.” Read more

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