Wind farm turbines on the water


Green Iron/Steel

Media Releases  |  Oct 2, 2024

Australia needs to get over the false narrative it’s a small player – Tim Buckley on the power within

Fifth Estate

“Australia is never going to be able to compete on our own against the Chinese, the robotics, the artificial intelligence, the scale of their manufacturing, their phenomenal investments in research and development, all of that says we’ll never catch them,” says Tim Buckley. “But we don’t have to catch them; we can partner with them”. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 2, 2024

Tim Buckley on ABC RN Breakfast re CEF’s Green Capital Tsunami report

ABC Radio National Breakfast

Tim Buckley details CEF”s new report, ‘Green capital tsunami: China’s >$100 billion outbound cleantech investment since 2023 turbocharges global energy transition’. He notes if Australia is to enjoy the benefits of the billions China’s cleantech leaders are investing into solar, wind, batteries, EVs etc across the globe, speeding global decarbonisation, it must embrace and welcome partnership and maintain positive bilateral relations. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 2, 2024

OP ED | China’s cleantech leadership is Australia’s decarbonisation opportunity

The Australian Financial Review

Australia China Business Council chair David Olsson reflects on CEF’s new Green Capital Tsunami report, which tracks $100bn since 2023 in foreign investment by Chinese firms in sun, wind, EVs, batteries and other cleantech around the world, noting that Australia has untold potential to partner with China and attract investment from the world’s cleantech superpower – if we get the foreign investment rules right. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 17, 2024

Government expecting investment into critical minerals and clean energy after Australia seals trade pact with UAE

ABC online

The director of Climate Energy Finance, Tim Buckley, said while Australia was right to court capital from the UAE for the green energy transition, it was also important to keep expectations in check. “I welcome collaboration with UAE, but we have to be realistic about how much money they might pour into Australia,” he said. “Particularly as the UAE is already emerging as a competitor for Australia in clean energy, because it has a big pool of capital for projects and an abundance of wind and solar, like us.” Mr Buckley said the truly “massive” commercial opportunities for Australia still lay in collaborating with major economies in the region like China and Japan to assist their decarbonisation progress. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 5, 2024

OP ED | Australia must keep its eyes on the green iron prize – the cost of inaction is untenable

Renew Economy

As China’s construction slump and steel glut bite, the chairman of government-owned China Baowu Group, the world’s largest steelmaker, has warned China’s steel sector will enter a “severe winter” more challenging than even the major downturns experienced during the GFC of 2008. This spells trouble for iron ore. Australia is the world’s largest iron ore exporter, and it is our number one commodity export, with over 80% going to China. The benchmark iron ore price has fallen below $US100/tonne, while prices for metallurgical coal used in steelmaking have dropped by a third to US$202/t in just 2 months. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 3, 2024

‘Too much focus on China’ means Australia is being left behind

The Australian Financial Review

Tim Buckley at the AFR Asia Summit alongside Foreign Minister Wong and former PM Kevin Rudd said that Australia should embrace the decarbonisation opportunity that would come from a more open stance towards Chinese investment. “It’s critical Australia actually double down and work and enhance and partner with China because if not, they will go elsewhere,” he said. “At the moment, I don’t think that message is coming through loud and clear. We don’t know what the rules, or China doesn’t know what the rules are, for when they do invest here.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Aug 28, 2024

INTERVIEW | Albanese Visit to Pacific Highlights Urgent Need to End Coal & Gas, and for Australia to Step Up its Climate Ambition

Sky News

Tim Buckley speaks with Sky News on transitioning our economy away from fossil fuels that Australia has had a historical over reliance on, and into zero emissions technology, as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese visit to the Pacific and the urgent need to end coal and gas. Tim also speaks on massive profitability of Australia’s iron ore majors, and the lack of urgency from Australia’s corporates to address the climate emergency. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Aug 23, 2024

RE News | Fresh Oz backing for BP’s 26GW hub


CWP Global has revealed that the BP-majority owned 26GW Australian Renewable Energy Hub Project (AREH), located in the iron-ore rich Pilbara region of Western Australia, has had its Major Project Status renewed by the Australian government. Critical to the success of the project will be federal and WA government support for Pilbara Green Link transmission lines to enable the mining sector’s best use of one of the most scaleable renewable energy resources anywhere in the country, CWP added. A recent report by Climate Energy Finance estimates that Australia has the potential to double the value of its annual iron exports to AUS$250bn. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Aug 21, 2024

Investing News Network | Report: Australia’s Biggest Future Export Opportunity Hinges on Pilbara Decarbonisation


Australian think tank Climate Energy Finance (CEF) published a report on how accelerating the electrification and decarbonisation of the Pilbara region would help the country achieve its green export goals. Called “Superpowering-Up,” the report was written by Matt Pollard, net-zero transformation analyst at CEF, and Tim Buckley, a director at the organisation. It was made available to the public on August 13. One of the report’s main findings is that single common-user grid infrastructure in the Pilbara area would be a key catalyst in speeding up decarbonisation in the region, which is the “engine room” of Australia’s resource sector. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Aug 14, 2024

RADIO | WA Breakfast News Radio on SUPERPOWERING-UP Report


Tim Buckley, co-author of Climate Energy Finance’s SUPERPOWERING-UP report, speaks on WA radio channels broadcasted across Perth, Kimberley, Pilbara and regional areas, discussing the importance of accelerating decarbonisation to supply China with green iron as it increased its exports to Europe under the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Aug 14, 2024

INTERVIEW | Pilbara’s green energy challenge


Concerning the failure to decarbonise in Australia’s Pilbara region, Tim Buckley, Director of Climate Energy Finance Corporation highlights, the region’s enormous natural resources and potential for renewable energy. Despite this, he points out that the remoteness of the Pilbara — along with the lack of coordinated action from local major companies such as Rio Tinto (ASX: RIO), BHP (ASX: BHP), and others who have committed to their shareholders to decarbonise — impede progress in this space. For Buckley, the challenge lies in the lack of scale, lack of logistics, and lack of planning, which eventually result in challenges at a systems-level. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Aug 13, 2024

PV Tech | Pilbara, Australia, needs transmission network investment to unlock A$100 billion opportunity


Australian think tank Climate Energy Finance (CEF) has signaled that the mineral-rich region of Pilbara, Western Australia, needs rapid investment in its transmission network to ensure renewable energy, such as solar, can help drive decarbonisation. Indeed, the Superpowering-up: Accelerating the electrification & decarbonisation of the Pilbara report signals that just 2% of the region’s electricity needs are currently being met by renewable energy, with fragmented corporate energy production and grid transmission structures undermining progress. Read more

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