Taxes & subsidies
AGL | CEF NEWS UPDATES | CEF SERIES ON CRITICAL MINERALS | China | Coal/electricity/electrification | Critical minerals | Decarbonisation | Energy Crisis | Finance Sector & Emissions | Green Iron | Hydrogen | India & Adani | Monthly China Energy Updates | Nuclear | Submissions | Taxes & subsidies | US IRA/ NZIA et al |
Reforming the diesel subsidy is not ‘economy-wrecking’: response to the Minerals Council of Australia
CEF advocates for a $50m per group per annum cap to the diesel fuel subsidy, and for all tax receipts to be returned to the mining firms impacted if they are reinvested in deployment of electric vehicles (EV) and the enabling renewable energy infrastructure. This cap would limit this reduced subsidy to eight of the largest mining firms in the world, turning a headwind to decarbonisation into a tailwind, and therefore aligning with Australia’s national interests in terms of improved energy security and acting in alignment with the climate science. Read more
SUBMISSION | Unlocking Green Metals Opportunities for a Future Made in Australia
Climate Energy Finance (CEF) sees an urgent imperative for the Federal Government to establish the policy and budget support to accelerate the development of a competitive Australian green metals industry by investing a minimum of an additional $10-30bn capital and direct budget support in the 2024-25 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO), building on Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ $22bn budget support provided in May 2024, and the $40-45bn of capital support established in May 2023 (via the NRF, NAIF, EFA, CEFC, ARENA). Read more
OP ED | Queensland Budget 2024-25: A Win for Renewable Energy, Jobs, Investment, and a Win for Queenslanders.
The Miles Government has delivered its first budget, inclusive with the largest state investment package for renewable energy to-date in Australia. This provides the critical impetus required to crowd tens of billions of private capital into establishing the sunshine state as a renewable energy superpower, and accelerate the development of emerging low-emission industries to safeguard the state’s future economic and jobs growth, leveraging the global shift to a decarbonised economy. Read more
Future Made in Australia Act to Put Australia in Global Cleantech Race
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese today announces the Future Made in Australia Act, designed to deliver a uniquely Australian Response to the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) – which is turbocharging renewables, cleantech and reindustrialisation in the US as it drives massive private capital investment – and comparable initiatives across other major economies. The Act will bring together a co-ordinated and comprehensive package of new and existing decarbonisation initiatives to seize the opportunities of a future made in Australia. It promises massive new investment, regional employment and net export opportunities, leveraging and value-adding our world-leading natural resources, both renewables and mining, as well as our expertise, geographic position in Asia and financial strengths. Read more
REPORT | CEF’s activities and impacts report July-Dec 2023
A full overview of our work and impacts across our program areas for the 6 months July-Dec 2023 Read more
Pre-Budget Submission 2024-25
The world is in a technology, trade and finance race as the energy transition takes hold and we grapple with the growing impacts of climate change and climate risk. Australia has one of the biggest investment, employment, and net export opportunities this century, but only if we proactively build a strategic national response proportional to the investment opportunity. In our submission with Climate Capital Forum, we call for a major public policy shift, at scale, to set the right market signals and strategically leverage the national balance sheet, and selectively provide public budget support to unlock and crowd-in private capital. Read more
GUEST POST | Blair Palese: Keeping an eye on the decarbonising prize
Founder of the Climate Capital Forum and one of The Australian’s Top 100 Green Energy Players Blair Palese says we need a new playbook for the decarbonising ballgame. A massive national strategic capital public investment program that establishes Australia as a zero-emissions trade and investment leader is required. Read more
The $2bn top up for the federal Critical Minerals Facility pledged by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese during his state visit to the US this week is an entirely insufficient response to the US$1 trillion industrial and energy stimulus of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The IRA is the biggest commitment of public funding in US history – and the single biggest opportunity for Australia this generation. Here’s why. Read more
ANALYSIS | The massive green iron opportunity is there for Australia to develop, but it requires strategic public capital investment and a decarbonised grid
With Sweden’s H2GS building the world’s first large-scale green steel plant and Europe’s first giga-scale electrolyser, we look at the massive opportunity for Australia – the world’s biggest producer of iron ore – to lead in the production of green iron, and the conditions that make this possible: substantial national interest public capital investment to trigger private investment at scale, and a massive decarbonisation of our grid to supply 100% green energy for processing. We must do more than dig and ship! Read more
REPORT | Fuel Tax Credit Scheme and Heavy Haulage Electric Vehicle Manufacturing in Australia
Our new report argues Australia’s mining sector should become a global leader in electrification of mine equipment, developing onshore battery, recycling and EV manufacturing supply chains and embodying decarbonisation in our commodity exports as a key competitive advantage. We could do this by capping the diesel fuel rebate to $50m pa per firm, clawing back $14bn in tax revenue to 2030 and investing that money in kickstarting an electrified mining transport industry here Read more
SUBMISSION | Federal government consultation on Net Zero Transition Planning for Financial Institutions
CEF consulted with the NSW Treasury, the NSW Office of Energy and Climate Change and the Sustainable Finance Unit of the Commonwealth Treasury to provide input into their decision on whether a nationally consistent approach to transition planning is needed, what guidance would assist businesses and how efforts can best be coordinated. Read more
POSITION PAPER | Five urgent reforms to boost Australia’s climate finance in a rapidly decarbonising world
In this new position paper, Janaline Oh, executive director of Diplomats for Climate Action, and CEF director Tim Buckley identify 5 urgent finance reforms the federal government should put in place so as to mobilise capital at the scale and speed needed to secure Australia’s opportunity to position itself as a critical minerals and energy transition leader in a rapidly decarbonising world – including leveraging our world leading super capital pool and our nation-building, infrastructure and energy transition funding authorities such as the Future Fund and Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility. Read more