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Reports and Analysis |  |  Apr 30, 2024

REPORT | POWER SHIFT: Staggering rise of renewables positions China to end new coal power before 2030

Based on extensive modelling of China’s electricity market, CEF’S new report forecasts that thanks to China’s staggering surge in renewable energy generation, coal power generation will peak well before 2030, then plateau and decline. On the basis of China’s electricity decarbonisation progress to date, the report finds that it is entirely feasible for China to dramatically slow the rate of its new coal power plant buildout and cease the construction of new plants before 2030. This has profound significance for global decarbonisation. China is currently responsible for 96% of the world’s new coal power under construction. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Apr 24, 2024

OP ED | More Emissions is Not Less Emissions: Woodside AGM Sees ‘Climate Action Plan’ Torpedoed by Heavyweight Investors

This week’s voting down of Woodside Energy’s misnamed Climate Transition Action Plan at the oil and gas giant’s 70th AGM is historic. It represents a milestone in shareholder activism – and a clarion call that the tide is turning on laggard fossil fuel majors that fail to responsibly and credibly address the greatest single risk they face: climate change. Read more

Reports and Analysis | Tim Buckley & AM Jonson  |  Apr 11, 2024

Future Made in Australia Act to Put Australia in Global Cleantech Race

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese today announces the Future Made in Australia Act, designed to deliver a uniquely Australian Response to the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) – which is turbocharging renewables, cleantech and reindustrialisation in the US as it drives massive private capital investment – and comparable initiatives across other major economies. The Act will bring together a co-ordinated and comprehensive package of new and existing decarbonisation initiatives to seize the opportunities of a future made in Australia. It promises massive new investment, regional employment and net export opportunities, leveraging and value-adding our world-leading natural resources, both renewables and mining, as well as our expertise, geographic position in Asia and financial strengths. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Mar 28, 2024

REPORT | More coal subsidies to extend Eraring?  Heads, Origin wins; Tails, taxpayers lose

CEF’s new report reveals taxpayers would be on the hook for $150m per year in subsidies to Origin Energy to keep ageing coal clunker Eraring operating beyond its planned closure date in August 2025, and confirms there is enough renewable capacity in the pipeline to offset the closure. Read more

 |  Mar 20, 2024

Happy birthday Snowy 2.0, now a $12bn debacle

On the 7th anniversary of the announcement of Snowy 2.0, Owen Evans chronicles an unmitigated energy infrastructure disaster – a case study in what not to do. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Mar 12, 2024

OP ED | Climate capital needs right policy settings to stem exodus

Last week’s announcement by AusSuper, Australia’s biggest super fund with over $300bn in assets under management, that it will dramatically upscale its investments offshore, including A$15.5bn into large-scale, long-term energy transition opportunities in the UK, should be a wake-up call to Australian energy policymakers. Read more

 |  Mar 5, 2024

OP ED | Nuclear energy is not viable in Australia

As the LNP ramps up its campaign for nuclear energy in Australia, we write that the nuclear furphy deters renewable energy investor confidence & increases sovereign risk as it betrays the Australian people Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Feb 21, 2024

OP ED | Here we go again: Rooftop PV + SMRs + CCS the latest ploy in the Coalition’s ‘disrupt and delay’ handbook

Here we go again – the latest salvo from the climate laggards of the National Party designed to disrupt and delay Australia’s accelerating clean energy revolution. This time, it is couched in the tactically crafty but deeply cynical and flawed view that distributed renewables – minus utility-scale – are the solution to electricity grid decarbonisation. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Feb 21, 2024

REPORT | Queensland’s Energy Transformation: From Coal Colossus to Renewable Energy Superpower

An analysis of Queensland’s current energy grid and its transition from FY24 to FY36, modelling the impacts of large-scale and distributed energy generation and storage to meet Queensland’s renewable energy and emissions reduction targets. Read more

 |  Feb 20, 2024

New report finds epic failure of credible, capital-allocated corporate transition planning

While national standards and guidance are typically designed to cover minimum requirements, internationally-accepted climate integrity principles are a much higher standard and should be the goal. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Feb 14, 2024

OP ED | Massive Victorian blackout a copybook illustration of need to build energy system resilience & accelerate transition to firmed renewables

Yesterday afternoon storms damaged power lines across Victoria taking all four generators at AGL’s massive end-of-life 2,210 megawatt (MW) coal-fired Loy Yang A power station offline as part of a cascading series of events, and with it 30% of the state’s power supply. This is a massive wake up call on the unreliability of ailing coal clunkers and the need to transition to firmed renewables. Read more

Submissions |  |  Feb 9, 2024

CEF Position Statement on Treasury’s Climate-related Financial Disclosure Exposure Draft Legislation

Climate Energy Finance applauds the Government’s move to establish common disclosure requirements for climate-related financial risks and opportunities for Australian companies. We applaud the draft legislation’s focus on materiality, substance and speed, rather than delay and perfection. We would welcome additional measures to ensure disclosures are underpinned by the principles of information completeness, cross-sector comparability and integrity. Read more


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