Critical minerals
AGL | CEF NEWS UPDATES | CEF SERIES ON CRITICAL MINERALS | China | Coal/electricity/electrification | Critical minerals | Decarbonisation | Energy Crisis | Finance Sector & Emissions | Green Iron | Hydrogen | India & Adani | Monthly China Energy Updates | Nuclear | Submissions | Taxes & subsidies | US IRA/ NZIA et al |
PRESENTATION | The US IRA, Australia’s response and the Budget
Tim Buckley’s presentation to the Smart Energy Council conference looks at the massive global acceleration of decarbonisation, including via the funding and policy reforms of Biden’s IRA which has turbocharged the transition in the US. What are the implications for the imminent Federal Budget if Australia to position itself as a global leader in the new cleantech world economy? Read more
UPDATED ANALYSIS | Global EV Growth in 1QCY2023
CEF’S Matt Pollard updates his analysis of global EV sales in the first quarter of 2023, to include newly released figures from VW, as momentum accelerates globally. Read more
ANALYSIS | Global EV Growth in 1QCY2023
CEF’S Matt Pollard takes a close look at global EV sales in the first quarter of 2023, and finds the industry is booming off the back of a massive acceleration in decarbonisation momentum globally. Read more
Global sustainability: The critical minerals opportunity in Australia
CEF’s Tim Buckley told UBS analysts of Australia’s potential to be a renewable energy superpower, given abundant critical minerals, scope to value-add and minimal supply chain risk. Read more
Australian Lithium Export Market Review
As the federal government’s Resources and Energy Quarterly released today projects lithium export earnings of $18.6bn in 22/23, CEF’s Matt Pollard reviews growth in and investments by key Australian producers as we start to leverage our once in a century opportunity to lead the world in value-added critical minerals. Read more
GUEST POST/ ANALYSIS | The Treasurer should block any foreign bid for Liontown Resources
As US giant Albermarle swoops on burgeoning local lithium producer Liontown with a takeover bid, CEF guest contributor Owen Evans and CEF’s Tim Buckley recommend that the Foreign Investment Review Board and Treasurer Jim Chalmers take a hard look at the national interest implications and reject the bid. Read more
PRESENTATION | UBS | The current climate energy finance landscape: Critical Minerals & the IRA
In this presentation to UBS, Tim Buckley looks at key global energy transition themes and drivers including RE price deflation, pricing emissions, market returns, China’s leadership on decarbonisation, key international policy and funding initiatives e.g. the US IRA and EU NZIA (Net Zero Industry Act), India’s PLI, South Korea and Japan’s GX Roadmap, and Australia’s opportunity to position itself as a pre-export value-adding critical minerals superpower. Read more
The energy transition – a huge opportunity for Australia
In this presentation for the Moir Group, Tim Buckley looks at key trends in the energy transition including renewable energy price deflation, emissions pricing, market returns, China’s dominance in decarbonisation, the US Inflation Reduction Act and the EU Net Zero Industry Act, and Australia’s once in a century opportunity to lead the world in critical minerals and energy transition materials value-added processing and manufacturing, powered by renewables. Read more
EU’s new Net Zero Industry & Critical Raw Materials Acts dramatically escalate pressure on Australia to seize once-in-a-century cleantech opportunity
The global race to decarbonisation massively escalated overnight with new regulations designed to turbocharge and onshore cleantech in the EU, following the US’s game-changing Inflation Reduction Act, which is spearheading the energy revolution there. The challenge is now on for Australia to accelerate investment and leverage its competitive advantages as a value-adding energy transition materials and renewables superpower – or miss the boat. Read more
Finding Australia’s place in the global geopolitical contest on energy and supply chain security
This week saw Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers make the call to back the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) recommendation to reject a Chinese-linked fund’s increased equity stake in an emerging Australian critical minerals developer, Northern Minerals, which is set to mine the rare earth dysprosium, used as an additive in neodymium magnets for electric vehicle motors. We look at the geopolitical implications of this move in the context of China’s global dominance on all things decarbonisation and responses by our trading partners. Read more
REPORT | A Critical Minerals Value-Adding Superpower
CEF’s new report is the first to comprehensively map Australia’s ‘once in a century’ opportunity to lead the world in value-added energy transition materials, including critical minerals, by processing, refining and manufacturing onhsore pre-export using our abundant renewable energy – a multi-hundred-billion dollar investment and export opportunity as the world rapidly decarbonises. The leading investment bank expects the “trilemma” of energy security, sustainability and affordability to remain in focus in 2023. Read more
SUBMISSION | CEF’s submission to the federal consultation on a national critical minerals strategy
CEF’s comprehensive summation of the critical minerals opportunity for Australia including a response to the federal consultation’s Terms of Reference and key policy recommendations. Read more