Wind farm turbines on the water


Taxes and subsidies

CEF in the media  |  Dec 9, 2022

PM’s announcement of energy price relief plan

ABC NewsRadio

Part 2 of Tim Buckley’s interview providing a live reaction to the PM’s press conference announcing the government’s 4 part plan to temper the bill shock impacting Australian households and businesses. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 9, 2022

PM’s announcement of energy price relief plan

ABC NewsRadio

Part 1 of Tim Buckley’s interview providing a live reaction to the PM’s press conference announcing the government’s 4 part plan to temper the bill shock impacting Australian households and businesses. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 9, 2022

OP ED | Adults are back in the room, with policy that paves the way for cheaper electricity

Renew Economy

In this op ed, Tim Buckley welcomes the cooperative spirit at the meeting of state and federal energy ministers that delivered a watershed capacity investment mechanism which will trigger a rapid upsurge in firmed renewables. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 9, 2022

The Drum – national cabinet’s energy price relief plan

ABC TV The Drum

Tim Buckley applauds national cabinet’s plan for coal and gas price caps, energy rebates, and energy security, noting a plan to properly tax fossil multinationals reaping war profits off our sovereign public assets is still required. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 7, 2022

Gas producers slammed for cartel amid unprecedented market failure

Sky News

Tim Buckley discusses the gas cartel gouging Eastern Australia with Kieran Gilbert on Afternoon Agenda, noting new CEF figures that show fossil fuel multinationals operating in Australia will book $120-140billion in profits as skyrocketing energy prices crush households and businesses. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 7, 2022

Anthony Albanese offers deal on coal price compensation but states want more

The Australian

Tim Buckley’s Sky News Afternoon Agenda with Kieran Gilbert interview features in this exclusive from The Australian’s chief political correspondent on the federal government’s plans to address the fossil fuel price crisis. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 24, 2022

Japanese ambassador takes ‘highly unusual’ campaign against Queensland coal royalty hike to mining forum

The Guardian

Tim Buckley says that QLD’s new tiered coal royalty regime structured to capture windfall profits will net $6.4bn more this FY than under the state’s previous royalty regime, while coalminers would still get 80% of QLD’s coal export bonanza – up to $62bn in revenue and record profits of more than $30bn before interest and corporate tax – making the industry campaign against the regime hot air. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 31, 2022

Gas exporters in frame as government looks for revenue boost

Sydney Morning Herald

Tim Buckley says the Petroleum Resources Rent Tax, designed to raise revenue from multinational gas producers making superprofits, is structurally flawed and predicts a Treasury review currently underway will find that it is not operating in the national interest. The Treasurer has undertaken to carefully consider the advice as pressure for a solution to the gas price crisis ramps up. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 31, 2022

Andrews seeks gas reserve as premiers divided on power price cap

The Australian

Tim Buckley’s discussion on Sky News Afternoon Agenda with Kieran Gilbert on gas in this story in The Australian: “We have a gas cartel, according to the ACCC – 90 per cent of the gas reserves in eastern Australia are controlled by three consortia, which have ramped up the price on the east coast tenfold, 1000 per cent, in the last three, four, five years and we are now paying above export price parity”. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 26, 2022

Federal budget wrap part 2

ABC Radio

In part 2 of an extended interview, Tim Buckley gives a comprehensive breakdown of the positive energy transition initiatives in the 2022 budget, as well as the omissions and missed opportunities. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 26, 2022

Federal budget wrap part 1

ABC Radio

In part 1 of a 12 minute interview, Tim Buckley gives a comprehensive breakdown of the positive energy transition initiatives in the 2022 budget, as well as the omissions and missed opportunities. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 26, 2022

Budget 2022-23: Powering clean, affordable energy with jobs and training to match

Energy Magazine

Tim Buckley comments on the Federal Budget, including its lack of attention to tackling the revenue costs of fossil fuel subsidies. Read more

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