Wind farm turbines on the water


Taxes and subsidies

CEF in the media  |  Aug 17, 2022

Tim Buckley on CEF Windfall Profits report – Sky Regional Breakfast

Sky News

Tim Buckley talk to SKY Regional free to air about the key recommendations of CEF’s report on improving the fossil fuel tax regime. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Aug 17, 2022

End to miner tax loophole could net $322bn – 100+ outlets via AAP

Canberra Times

Australia’s budget woes could be eased by closing mining tax loopholes and ending fossil fuel rebates, CEF’s new report says. Read more
Media Releases  |  Aug 17, 2022

Energy crisis: $322bn over a decade if tax avoidance and royalties improved


17 August, 2022, Sydney, Australia: Introducing an equitable multinational corporate taxation and progressive royalty regime on Australia’s public fossil fuel […] Read more
CEF in the media  |  Aug 17, 2022

Better than Buckleys: a real plan to tackle energy prices, climate and the Budget to boot

Michael West Media

Tim Buckley says it’s time to axe fossil fuel subsidies, bring in a Carbon Export Levy, and fix tax and royalty loopholes. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 10, 2022

Labor’s first mistake?: No windfall tax on coal and gas

Michael West Media

Tim Buckley,: “East Australia’s energy market worked fine until 2015 when 5-6 gas firms opened Gladstone LNG exports. A regulatory failure to protect our domestic market first now sees those firms making supernormal profits and 22 million of us paying the price.” Read more

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