Wind farm turbines on the water


Taxes and subsidies

CEF in the media  |  May 12, 2023

Got Gas: Will the Government’s PRRT reform make any real changes?


Tim Buckley comments on the PRRT changes in the budget: “This looks very pedestrian relative to the LNG export industry’s windfall war-profiteering and oversized contribution to Australian domestic energy price hyperinflation. The far too modest PRRT reforms in this budget are a missed opportunity to deliver a substantial social dividend to the Australian people, limiting the government’s capacity to fund critically urgent social and energy transition programs, and undercutting the government’s claims to fiscal balance and responsibility.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 10, 2023

Clean energy takes centre stage in federal budget: industry reactions

PV Magazine

Tim Buckley: “$4 billion in new funding to make Australia a renewable energy superpower, takes total funding to $40 billion including the previously announced programs,” but this is well below the cumulative $100 billion of public capital Climate Energy Finance considers is required to crowd-in $200-300 billion of private capital investment to position Australia as a global leader in energy transition and ensure our energy security and independence.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 10, 2023

Labor’s budget is good for climate and renewables – and great for the gas cartel

Renew Economy

Our detailed Federal Budget 2023 wrap: we find that overall it’s sensible and measured, with serious attention to fiscal repair and capacity building. The energy bill relief is essential, there is strong decarbonisation progress – including the Net Zero Authority, $2bn for green hydrogen and home and business electrification packages – but more funding is needed to supercharge the transition. The marginal reforms to the PRRT are a case of serious policy underreach, and the lack of attention to corporate tax and diesel rebate reform are disappointing. Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 8, 2023

Labor’s changes to gas tax will deliver little if any extra revenue, analysts say

The Guardian

Tim Buckley says the federal government’s marginal budget reforms to the PRRT are a massive missed opportunity: “Those deductions that don’t get allowed this year just get delayed,” Buckley said. “It’s absolutely a pull forward … it might be no increase at all” in total revenue. Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 7, 2023

Budget 2023/24 preview – what can we expect?

Sky News

Tim Buckley previews the Federal Budget, including mooted PRRT reforms, and calls for a fiscal approach that responds to the scale and challenge of the energy transition and global policy developments, including the game-changing trillion dollar Inflation Reduction Act in the US. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 13, 2023

Carbon Counter: Big oils’ profits see return to “core business”

ABC Radio National Drive

The world’s five biggest oil companies: BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell and Total Energies; collectively made almost USD $200 Billion in profits last year. Tim Buckley breaks down this extraordinary profiteering for RN Drive Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 1, 2023

Our climate challenge is our greatest opportunity: So how do we get it right?

Renew Economy

The newly formed Climate Capital Forum – a coalition of financial experts, investors, philanthropists, industry bodies and NGOs – this week launched a policy roadmap detailing bold reforms to position Australia as a superpower in zero-emissions trade and investment. Tim Buckley outlines the key policy asks. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 30, 2022

ExxonMobil sues EU in attempt to stop a new windfall tax

ABC Radio National Breakfast

Exxon Mobil is trying to sue its way out of a windfall war profits tax (33% levy on profits in excess of average profits over last 4 years) to tackle soaring energy prices claiming it will deter investment. Tim Buckley undoes the spin, pointing out Exxon will make $60bn profit this year and would be paying only $2bn of this under the windfall tax, and similar taxes (eg in WA and Norway) have not deterred investment. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 13, 2022

Fossil fuel hysterics make coal and gas price caps look like a really good idea

Renew Economy

Tim Buckley’s data showing that fossil fuel multinationals made $120bn in profits in 2022 is quoted in this story noting that the industry is not coping well with the idea that its days might be numbered. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 13, 2022

Climate warrior Chris Bowen wants to subsidise coal mines

The Australian Financial Review

Tim Buckley said the government’s mooted plan to subsidise coal companies for the price cap means they are asking taxpayers to provide compensation to coal mining companies so they can make obscene profits selling back our resources to us. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 12, 2022

OP ED | Fossil fuel exporters’ $140b profit as bills soar

Sydney Morning Herald

Tim Buckley’s new op ed across Nine/Fairfax papers: as fossil fuel multinationals reap obscene $140bn war profits, pay little or no tax and smash homes and businesses with bill shock, the federal government’s energy price relief plan is to be applauded, but this should not include taxpayer compo to coal. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 10, 2022

Power price relief will take until mid next year

Channel 9 News

Tim Buckley on national Nine primetime TV news, commenting on how the federal government’s energy price relief plan will soften the blow of fossil fuel price hyperinflation for consumers . Read more

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