AGL | CEF NEWS UPDATES | CEF SERIES ON CRITICAL MINERALS | China | Coal/electricity/electrification | Critical minerals | Decarbonisation | Energy Crisis | Finance Sector & Emissions | Green Iron | Hydrogen | India & Adani | Monthly China Energy Updates | Nuclear | Submissions | Taxes & subsidies | US IRA/ NZIA et al |
PRESENTATION | Renewable Energy & Critical Minerals Superpower
Tim Buckley’s presentation to the ANU’s Rare Earth Conference Read more
Australia’s Sustainable Finance Taxonomy: good governance is a can of worms
Treasury has opened its consultation on a sustainable finance strategy that promises to strengthen the ability for Australia’s financial markets to allocate capital to decarbonising Australia’s economy. One of its priorities is a sustainable finance ‘taxonomy’ that will establish what economic activities warrant the special consideration by green and transition-labelled finance pools focused on mitigating the effects of climate change. The potential leverage includes Australia’s $3.5tn superfund pool, the banking sector’s collective $400bn in sustainable finance targets, and the Government’s proposed Green Bond program. However, this mobilisation of capital for decarbonisation will only succeed if the taxonomy is credible and achieves widespread market adoption. Read more
We welcome and applaud the Treasurer’s focus today on 4 key industry and economic opportunities, which reflect the key priorities CEF and its partners have identified: refining and processing critical minerals; supporting manufacturing of generation and storage technologies, including batteries; producing renewable hydrogen and its derivatives like ammonia; and forging green metals including green iron. We need to see further details, but the Treasurer’s assertion that $225bn capital investment is needed by 2050 is too low by orders of magnitude, this timeframe is too late, and it reveals a too-cautious federal policy mindset that risks forgoing Australia’s opportunity to position itself as a leader in global cleantech supply chains as the world moves at breakneck speed to decarbonise. Read more
Big banks take on greening Australia’s $10tn housing stock
Modernising the nation’s $10tn housing stock promises to ease cost of living pressures, improve the health and comfort of homes, whilst helping to solve climate change. Australian banks are the main entry point to financing home energy performance upgrades. With a combined 46% mortgage market share, CBA and Westpac have powerful levers to help transform and decarbonise the sector. Read more
The $2bn top up for the federal Critical Minerals Facility pledged by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese during his state visit to the US this week is an entirely insufficient response to the US$1 trillion industrial and energy stimulus of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The IRA is the biggest commitment of public funding in US history – and the single biggest opportunity for Australia this generation. Here’s why. Read more
PRESENTATION | Embodied Decarbonisation: How renewables can supercharge Australia’s value-added critical minerals boom
Tim Buckley’s presentation for the Investment Innovation Institute on the global energy transition: how China leads the world in the global technology and investment race, how the US IRA changes everything; Australia’s Critical Minerals Strategy and how we can embody decarbonisation in our exports; and stockmarket examples of energy transition. Read more
SUBMISSION | Inquiry into the NSW Climate Change (Net Zero Future) Bill 2023
CEF partially supports the proposed Climate Bill, but recommend it be strengthened to better align with the climate science, the clear and growing cost of inadequate action and the once-in-a-century opportunities of rapid decarbonisation for investment, jobs and cost of living. The absence of an strong interim emissions reduction target in 2035 is a particular concern, given deep cuts must be front loaded in the next decade if we are to have hope of preventing catastrophic climate change. Read more
PRESENTATION | A Renewable Energy & Critical Minerals Superpower
CEF’s Tim Buckley, Matt Pollard and Xuyang Dong present to the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change on the global decarbonisation investment race and Australia’s opportunity to position itself as a zero-emissions trade and investment powerhouse as China leads the world on energy transition and the US IRA triggers a race to the top. Read more
PRESENTATION | The drivers of the accelerating energy transition and considerations for global investors
Tim Buckley’s presentation to Northcape, an international boutique fund manager with over $12bn under management, focusses on the acceleration of the global energy transition as capital shifts to decarbonisation worldwide, and potential investor considerations. Read more
ANALYSIS | The massive green iron opportunity is there for Australia to develop, but it requires strategic public capital investment and a decarbonised grid
With Sweden’s H2GS building the world’s first large-scale green steel plant and Europe’s first giga-scale electrolyser, we look at the massive opportunity for Australia – the world’s biggest producer of iron ore – to lead in the production of green iron, and the conditions that make this possible: substantial national interest public capital investment to trigger private investment at scale, and a massive decarbonisation of our grid to supply 100% green energy for processing. We must do more than dig and ship! Read more
PRESENTATION | Renewable Energy & Critical Minerals Superpower
Tim Buckley’s presentation to Ethinvest on the challenge facing Australian industry policy in light of the US IRA and the global energy transition. Read more
REPORT | An Australian response to the US IRA
Tim Buckley of CEF and Climate and Capital Forum founder Blair Palese argue that $100bn of government strategic public-interest capital investment into an Australian Renewables Industry Package and value-adding critical minerals industry development is needed to crowd in $200-300bn of private capital. This would be an appropriately ambitious response to the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), commensurate with Australia’s massive domestic and export opportunity. Read more