Wind farm turbines on the water


Energy crisis

CEF in the media  |  Feb 6, 2024

Rally betrays anti-renewables desperation, as Joyce calls on “army” to go home and recruit

Renew Economy

Clean Energy Finance director Tim Buckley says extensive community consultation, including with landholders, communities and First Nations peoples must be central to planning for the rollout of renewables. But “so should pivoting policy momentum and public capital to our massive, once in a century opportunity to establish Australia as a renewable energy and zero-emissions trade and investment superpower. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 1, 2024

BlueScope receives funding for lower emissions project

FS Sustainability

Climate Capital Forum founder Blair Palese comments on federal government grant to Bluescope Steel for work to reline existing arc furnace in Port Kembla through Critical Inputs to Clean Energy Industries program. “There is no time left for federal government support for anything except strategies to fully decarbonise as global demand for net-zero materials grows exponentially,” she said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jan 31, 2024

Bill shock to ease as cost of power falls, solar shines


Energy analyst Tim Buckley said the regulator would set the next Default Market Offer, which determined what consumers pay, in coming months after wholesale electricity prices halved in the past year. “This follows the progressive unwinding of two years of hyperinflation in coal and gas commodity prices, both internationally and in our domestic energy markets,” he said. Wind and solar supported by big batteries and transmission are expected to bring permanently lower prices for homes, businesses and industry. “After two years of 20 per cent annual retail electricity price rises, consumers can hope for some real energy cost of living relief,” he said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jan 31, 2024

Renewables helping drive down energy prices

ABC Radio National AM

Amid the cost of living crisis one ray of sunshine of late has been falling energy prices. And while the mild weather, lower fuel costs and fewer coal supply issues have played a part, the increase in cheap wind and solar energy has also been helping to drive down the cost of keeping the lights on and heating and cooling our homes and businesses. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jan 31, 2024

Spot prices point to mid-year energy relief for households

The Sydney Morning Herald

Tim Buckley, the director of think tank Climate Energy Finance, said consumers want real energy cost-of-living relief after two years of 20 per cent annual hikes in retail electricity prices, particularly now that wholesale prices halved last year. “This follows the progressive unwinding of two years of hyperinflation in coal and gas commodity prices, both internationally and in our domestic energy markets,” Buckley said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jan 28, 2024

New report leads to closure of massive coal power plant: ‘No reason why the taxpayer should be on the hook’


Australia can close down its largest coal-fired power plant and the residents of New South Wales wouldn’t experience any interruption in their electricity, according to a new report. CEF director Tim Buckley analyzed the 2024-2030 power sector and determined NSW will get along just fine without depending on dirty old coal. “There is no reason why the taxpayer should be on the hook for multiples of hundreds of millions of dollars to keep Eraring open,” said Buckley Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jan 25, 2024

Australia’s wholesale power prices fall by almost half as carbon emissions drop

The Guardian

Energy analysts including Tim Buckley have argued that retail power prices should fall when the Australian Energy Regulator sets its default market offer for the year from 1 July. Even though wholesale prices make up only about one-third of the bill consumers pay, the drop so far this financial year could provide a “double-digit drop” if maintained, Buckley said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jan 22, 2024

NSW can achieve electricity reliability without coal

FS Sustainability

There is no need to use taxpayer fund to keep Australia’s biggest coal power plant open beyond its planned closure date in 2025 as the state of NSW has made “massive progress” on new renewable energy and battery capacity, according to think tank Climate Energy Finance. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jan 22, 2024

NSW set to steal energy transition spotlight


Tim Buckley tells AusBiz there is no reliability gap surrounding the closure of Aus’ biggest coal plant, Eraring in NSW. He points to a report by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) presented to the NSW Energy Minister which shows no need for public subsidies to keep the plant open. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jan 19, 2024

Lights to stay on if biggest ‘coal clunker’ powers down

Canberra Times

In Canberra Times and across 100+. mastheads, CEF’s new report detailing the pipeline of firmed renewables that means Australia’s biggest coal power station, Eraring, can close down on schedule in 2025 with no electricity supply reliability gap. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jan 19, 2024

Heads I win, Tails you Lose: hand-outs for Australia’s biggest coal plant Eraring a smoking example of the folly of privatisation

Michael West Media

Climate Energy Finance’ Tim Buckley,: “The NSW government’s decision on whether to extend the life of Eraring coal fired power plant, Australia’s biggest, beyond its planned closure date of August 2025 at taxpayers’ expense, ostensibly to ensure supply, will be a hot button issue this year and has national implications for energy transition.” He estimates the cost of keeping all four Eraring units operating for another two years would be $300m to $400m. “There is no reason why the government would pay that subsidy” when “there is more than enough firmed renewables capacity in the pipeline” of development in NSW to offset Eraring’s closure. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jan 19, 2024

‘Even more confident’ Eraring will close in 2025: new energy report

The Newcastle Herald

A surge in renewable energy generation and battery storage projects will allow Eraring power station to close in mid-2025, a new analysis says. The report The Lights Will Stay On: NSW Electricity Plan 2024-2030, produced by think tank Climate Energy Finance, shows an unprecedented number of clean energy projects have come online over the past six months. Read more

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