Wind farm turbines on the water


Energy crisis

CEF in the media  |  Nov 2, 2023

VIC SEC is back with $1 billion renewable target

FS Sustainability

Victoria’s State Electricity Commission (SEC) has been reintroduced in a move that is hoped will crowd-in investment into renewables in the state. Tim Buckley told FS Sustainability that some are concerned that public capital may crowd out private capital. “The key challenge that the SEC has to actually work to crowd in private capital,” Buckley said. “I think that risk is real, but it’s more than outweighed by the benefits to the people of Victoria.” He sees renewables as a “solution to the cost-of-living crisis, the energy crisis and the climate crisis… More competition means more supply and lower prices.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 27, 2023

Albanese’s pittance for critical minerals means Australia’s golden opportunity goes begging

Renew Economy

Our op ed on PM Albanese’s state visit to the US. While the visit was touted as a platform for major announcements on investment into an Australian response to the game-changing Inflation Reduction Act, there was a lot of talk, but only $2bn for Australian critical minerals – entirely insufficient relative to the scale of our opportunity to lead the world in processing of minerals onshore. Read our full analysis. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 24, 2023

Government Announces Next Stage in Tasmanian OffShore Wind Zone in Bass Strait


Tim Buckley in Tasmanian Times: “Offshore wind is a key scaleable decarbonisation solution for the world. Installations globally are expected to increase dramatically this coming decade as China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, India and the US all look to leverage the massive experience achieved in Europe over the last decade. There is an enormous pipeline of investment proposals in this new field emerging globally.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 24, 2023

Tassie next in line for potential offshore wind bonanza

Canberra Times

Tim Buckley said planning is needed for consecutive developments proposed across Victoria, NSW, Tasmania and Western Australia to cover the high set-up costs for a domestic manufacturing supply chain. “We need to weigh up the additional costs related to offshore wind construction and see where it makes the most economic sense,” he said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 14, 2023

Energy bills to fall as gas and coal prices drop, renewables go ballistic

Michael West Media

A profound investment surge in renewables, heat pump, batteries and EV manufacturing capacity globally is underway, with annual global manufacturing capacities of each due to double every 24 months at the current run rate, Tim Buckley of Climate Energy Finance (CEF) told MWM. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 12, 2023

Tim Buckley on 10 News First delaying the closure of Eraring power station could undermine climate change targets

Channel 10 News

Tim Buckley welcomes the NSW government to legislate climate change targets, he argues that throwing hundreds of millions of dollars at Eraring power station is the wrong decision, and the environment can’t afford the delay of the closure of Eraring. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 12, 2023

Tim Buckley on ABC Radio Tasmania discussing solutions for affordable power

ABC Radio

Tim Buckley, discussed Australia’s energy landscape. Tim highlights the impact of climate change on the energy sector and the need for a balanced approach to address energy, cost of living, and climate crises. He also explains the potential benefits of projects like the Marinus Link and provides insight into wholesale power prices and their potential impact on retail prices in Tasmania. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 4, 2023

Community forum to tackle bushfire threat


The Manly Daily reports meteorologists are predicting a hot, dry summer over the 2023-24 season, with a significantly increased risk of bushfires. A Northern Beaches community forum, with a panel of experts to discuss the implications and how to prepare and respond will be hosted by Mackellar MP Dr Sophie Scamps, and feature Tim Buckley, Greg Mullins, former Commissioner of Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) and Dr Simon Bradshaw, author and Research Director at the Climate Council independent research charity. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 3, 2023

Five reasons why the government mustn’t cool its heels on an “Australian IRA”


As Elizabeth Thurbon et al write in The Lowy Interpreter, the Australian Renewable Industry Package is a $100 billion, ten-year green energy transition package proposed by a coalition of groups including Climate Energy Finance, the Smart Energy Council, and the Australian Council of Trade Unions. This was no knee-jerk or panicked effort, but a considered view on a proportionate Australian response to the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) – a $520 billion bipartisan bid to secure US dominance in the high-wage, high-tech green industries of the future. The IRA is now sucking a good deal of green energy investment away from Australia, requiring a policy response from Canberra commensurate with Australia’s generational opportunity. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 20, 2023

Energy industry pumps profits into lobbying and advertising

The Sydney Morning Herald

As Comms Declare exposes PR firms involved in greenwashing fossil fuels, Tim Buckley notes Australia’s profit margin from exporting $240 billion in fossil fuels in 2022 had resulted in more money than ever to “fund their lobbying efforts to delay climate action and protect their profits”. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 17, 2023

Journos are failing the public in their reporting on renewables

The Australian

In a beat up on the “failures” of energy transition reporting by the ABC and SMH, The Australian notes that the ABC AM program interviewed CEF’s Tim Buckley on Climate Energy Finance’s call for $100bn in government investment in renewables and critical minerals such as copper and lithium, and for the Future Fund to become an equity holder in renewables projects. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 13, 2023

Organisations call for critical $100B Renewable Industry Package

Energy Magazine

Climate Energy Finance Founder, Tim Buckley, said that the package would re-industrialise the state and provide thousands of job opportunities for Australians. “A $100 billion package will help re-industrialise the nation, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, diversify our export base and revenue streams as well as increase local value-added production, secure supply chains and develop sovereign manufacturing capabilities. Read more

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