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Presentations |  |  Oct 19, 2023

PRESENTATION | A Renewable Energy & Critical Minerals Superpower

CEF’s Tim Buckley, Matt Pollard and Xuyang Dong present to the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change on the global decarbonisation investment race and Australia’s opportunity to position itself as a zero-emissions trade and investment powerhouse as China leads the world on energy transition and the US IRA triggers a race to the top. Read more

Presentations |  |  Oct 18, 2023

PRESENTATION | The drivers of the accelerating energy transition and considerations for global investors

Tim Buckley’s presentation to Northcape, an international boutique fund manager with over $12bn under management, focusses on the acceleration of the global energy transition as capital shifts to decarbonisation worldwide, and potential investor considerations. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Oct 17, 2023

ANALYSIS | The massive green iron opportunity is there for Australia to develop, but it requires strategic public capital investment and a decarbonised grid 

With Sweden’s H2GS building the world’s first large-scale green steel plant and Europe’s first giga-scale electrolyser, we look at the massive opportunity for Australia – the world’s biggest producer of iron ore – to lead in the production of green iron, and the conditions that make this possible: substantial national interest public capital investment to trigger private investment at scale, and a massive decarbonisation of our grid to supply 100% green energy for processing. We must do more than dig and ship! Read more

Presentations |  |  Oct 12, 2023

PRESENTATION | Renewable Energy & Critical Minerals Superpower

Tim Buckley’s presentation to Ethinvest on the challenge facing Australian industry policy in light of the US IRA and the global energy transition. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Oct 3, 2023

MONTHLY CHINA ENERGY UPDATE | China’s Renewable Boom Sparks EU Concerns and Offers EMDEs Opportunities

China’s renewable leadership offers challenges and opportunities on the path to global decarbonization. In August 2023, China’s renewable energy sector gained momentum with increased hydropower generation after months of droughts. Solar and wind power continued to dominate new capacity additions. Zero emissions capacity is now accounting for 50% of China’s total installed capacity. While China prioritizes economic development over rapid fossil fuel phase-out, EU raises concerns about China’s renewable supply chain dominance due to China’s rapid renewable manufacturing expansion. Nonetheless, this presents an opportunity for emerging markets to accelerate their energy transitions. To meet global net-zero goals, China and other developed nations must invest in emerging economies. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Sep 11, 2023

REPORT | An Australian response to the US IRA

Tim Buckley of CEF and Climate and Capital Forum founder Blair Palese argue that $100bn of government strategic public-interest capital investment into an Australian Renewables Industry Package and value-adding critical minerals industry development is needed to crowd in $200-300bn of private capital. This would be an appropriately ambitious response to the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), commensurate with Australia’s massive domestic and export opportunity. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Sep 10, 2023

REPORT | Fuel Tax Credit Scheme and Heavy Haulage Electric Vehicle Manufacturing in Australia

Our new report argues Australia’s mining sector should become a global leader in electrification of mine equipment, developing onshore battery, recycling and EV manufacturing supply chains and embodying decarbonisation in our commodity exports as a key competitive advantage. We could do this by capping the diesel fuel rebate to $50m pa per firm, clawing back $14bn in tax revenue to 2030 and investing that money in kickstarting an electrified mining transport industry here Read more

Submissions |  |  Sep 7, 2023

SUBMISSION | Federal government consultation on Net Zero Transition Planning for Financial Institutions

CEF consulted with the NSW Treasury, the NSW Office of Energy and Climate Change and the Sustainable Finance Unit of the Commonwealth Treasury to provide input into their decision on whether a nationally consistent approach to transition planning is needed, what guidance would assist businesses and how efforts can best be coordinated. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Aug 31, 2023

COMMENT | Bombshell New Stock Market Fraud Allegations Levelled Against Adani Conglomerate

Tim Buckley looks at today’s reporting of explosive new allegations and hard evidence that a web of associates of the Adani Group have engaged in deliberate stock price manipulation and insider trading. An internal document trail details extensive use of tax havens instructed by associates of Gautam Adani’s brother, Vinod Adani, who owns or is associated with multiple offshore companies at the centre of some of the Group’s most high-profile deals. Read more

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