AGL | CEF NEWS UPDATES | CEF SERIES ON CRITICAL MINERALS | China | Coal/electricity/electrification | Critical minerals | Decarbonisation | Energy Crisis | Finance Sector & Emissions | Green Iron | Hydrogen | India & Adani | Monthly China Energy Updates | Nuclear | Submissions | Taxes & subsidies | US IRA/ NZIA et al |
REPORT | SUPERPOWERING-UP: Accelerating the Electrification and Decarbonisation of the Pilbara
An analysis of current energy demand in the Pilbara, and the need for common user electricity infrastructure to accelerate electrification and decarbonisation at speed and scale, leveraging Australia’s opportunity to lead globally on zero-emissions value-added industries of the future. Read more
PRESENTATION | Electrifying Tomorrow: China’s Outbound Foreign Direct Investment in Batteries and EVs
Tim Buckley presents to UTS ISETS Read more
MONTHLY CHINA ENERGY UPDATE | China’s Power Market Half Year 2024 Review
During the first 6 months of CY2024, China installed a total of 152.8GW of new capacity additions, a 14% y-o-y increase. 134.5GW or 88% were zero emissions capacity, a 25% y-o-y increase. Although China’s thermal new additions during the first 6 months of CY2024 show a decline, CEF believes for China to reach its ‘dual carbon’ targets – peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 – it needs to cease new thermal expansion as early as possible, even noting its orientation to new low utilisation, flexible coal plants. Read more
PRESENTATION | Where to from here? The importance of the FMIA and Clean Exports Vision for Australia
Tim Buckley presents at the SEC’s Renewables, Storage and Generation summit Read more
PRESENTATION | The Global Energy Transformation and Implications for Australia
Tim Buckley, Matt Pollard and Xuyang Dong present to TIQ Read more
PRESENTATIONS | China’s decarbonisation and the implications for Australia
Tim presents to Professionals for Climate Action on his trip to observe the staggering energy transition in China Read more
SUBMISSION | Unlocking Green Metals Opportunities for a Future Made in Australia
Climate Energy Finance (CEF) sees an urgent imperative for the Federal Government to establish the policy and budget support to accelerate the development of a competitive Australian green metals industry by investing a minimum of an additional $10-30bn capital and direct budget support in the 2024-25 Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO), building on Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ $22bn budget support provided in May 2024, and the $40-45bn of capital support established in May 2023 (via the NRF, NAIF, EFA, CEFC, ARENA). Read more
MONTHLY CHINA ENERGY UPDATE | China to Achieve its 2030 Installed Clean Energy Target in July 2024
China will achieve its 1,200GW wind and solar installed capacity by 2030 target by end July 2024, six years ahead of schedule. 103.5GW of zero-emissions capacity was added during the first 5 months of CY2024, as thermal power additions declined by 45% y-o-y as the end of May CY2024 notwithstanding a still exceptionally strong +6.9% y-o-y YTD2024 increase in electricity demand. Read more
OP ED | Warmer Ties Could Cool the Planet: Potential for Australia-China Green Energy Collaboration
Australia and China’s improving diplomatic relationship, highlighted by recent high-level meetings and record trade, presents significant opportunities for green energy collaboration. With China facing overcapacity in solar panels, batteries, and electric vehicles, Australia stands to benefit from redirected Chinese investments. By leveraging its abundant renewable resources and enhancing critical mineral processing, Australia can become a more appealing supplier, particularly in the wake of global trade tensions. Read more