AGL China Coal Critical minerals Decarbonisation Electricity/electrification Energy crisis Finance Sector & Emissions Green Iron/Steel Hydrogen India & Adani Nuclear offshore wind OP EDS Renewables Taxes and subsidies TIM BUCKLEY ON THE SPARK CLUB PODCAST US IRA/EU NZIA et al
OP ED | When the finance moves get out of the way: How capital is driving the transition to net zero
The New Daily
The world’s third richest man sells a green dream based on coal
‘Deflationary’ wind farms inflating these stocks
The Australian
NSW government’s commitment to pumped hydro storage, ABC Illawarra
ABC Radio
Government pumps $44m into hydro projects to plug energy gaps
Sydney Morning Herald
Got gas: Do super profits call for super taxes?
OP ED | Moving beyond 82% RE by 2030 needs pumped hydro investment now
Renew Economy
Huge profits for fossil-fuel giants Woodside and Santos stoke calls for windfall tax
The Guardian
The problems with Snowy Hydro
ABC NewsRadio
China’s insolvency crisis
The Saturday Paper
Tim Buckley on CEF Windfall Profits report
Alan Jones - Australian Digital TV
OP ED | It’s time for fossil fuel profiteers to pay their way
Sydney Morning Herald