Wind farm turbines on the water


CEF in the media  |  Feb 11, 2023

The Adani cloud over India

Al Jazeera

Tim Buckley comments on the Hindenburg allegations against Adani, noting that when you see a hugely complex network of offshore companies associated with an entity whose operations are mostly in India, the onus is on the company to say why they exist. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 11, 2023

The rise and fall of Gautam Adani

The Saturday Paper

Tim Buckley: “I’ve spent a lot of time looking at the Wirecard fraud in Germany. That was a financial services operator, worth about $24 billion, so much smaller than Adani, and in that case the auditors were asleep at the wheel, and politicians and regulators endorsed their business model, and that’s precisely what Hindenburg is alleging here.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 10, 2023

OP ED | Adani: Are we witnessing a corporate Hindenburg?

Renew Economy

Tim Buckley’s op ed on the Adani crisis precipitated by the 24 January report from research firm and short seller Hindenburg. What’s the background to these assertions, how credible are they, and what are the implications? Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 8, 2023

Only5mins! – Australia’s key minerals will make it a green energy superpower

PV Magazine

In this 5 minute explainer, Tim Buckley speaks to pv magazine about the crisis threatening Adani Group, the “positive outlook” for Australian renewables, and the nation’s potential to become a clean energy superpower, including supplying the value added critical minerals the world needs for the energy transition. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 7, 2023

CEF’s Buckley on the Adani crisis


Tim Buckley discusses his outlook on the crisis grappling billionaire Gautam Adani in an extended interview on Bloomberg Markets Asia, identifying a core issue: the Indian regulators have been asleep at the wheel, meaning Adani Group, which owns major strategic assets including ports and airports, has been above the law, with investigations into its activities unresolved. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 7, 2023

Adani Group: Can embattled India tycoon recover from $100bn loss?


In this interview with the BBC, Tim Buckley observes that “most of Adani’s ambitious projects will have to be heavily scaled back in ambition and timetable, because they will have next to no capacity to raise funds right now,” given the accusations of systemic fraud in the Hindenburg report. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 6, 2023

“A free pass to pollute”: The 12 dirtiest companies in Australia, ranked

Smart Company

Supporting the release of the Climate Council’s report on Australia’s biggest emitters impacted by the government’s Safeguard Mechanism reforms, Tim Buckley says it is crucial to name and shame the laggards that are driving Australia’s industrial pollution to intensify pressure on them to act. “These dozen super-polluters must make tangible, deep progress on reducing emissions and governments and investors alike must hold them accountable”. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 6, 2023

Adani’s Crisis Points to the Big Risk in India’s Net Zero Plan


Tim Buckley: “Will [the Hindenburg report] damage Adani? Categorically. It should have already. You’ll find a lot of Western capital will now avoid the Adani group. It is going to put Adani’s ability to access global western capital, and in particular green capital and ESG capital at risk.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 6, 2023

Adani crashes and burns, accused of ‘biggest con in corporate history’


Tim Buckley: “India would be a lot more effective in delivering on decarbonisation of its economy and powering its future with sustainable energy if it wasn’t for the pervasive corrupting influence of coal permeating through all government decisions there, like it is here in Australia. Let Adani’s downfall be a warning to Australian companies greenwashing their climate transgressions behind clever accounting magic.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 3, 2023

Adani stock crash after explosive Hindenburg report

ABC TV News Channel

Tim Buckley on ABC TV News Breakfast on the crisis gripping Adani after accusations of fraud by research firm Hindenburg, noting the risk of contagion in the financial system in India is very serious. With Wall St now closed to the Adani Group, there will also need to be a massive refinancing effort of half of their borrowings. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 3, 2023

Carbon emissions from Australia’s ‘Dirty Dozen’ more than half Pacific Islands’ emissions

Renew Economy

Tim Buckley observes that credible and ambitious Safeguard Mechanism reform is critical to driving sustained, rapid reductions in scope 1 emissions: “It is important to call out the worst contributors to industrial pollution and make sure they start cleaning up their acts. We need sustained emissions reduction action, and the dozen super-polluters in the Australian economy should make tangible, deep progress on reducing emissions and governments and investors alike must hold them accountable”. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 3, 2023

We ask 10 ASX hydrogen companies – what is your number one goal for 2023?


Tim Buckley said one of the biggest challenges for the green hydrogen industry is the fact there is still no price on carbon and therefore no green premium: “We need an overt market signal because you cannot compete with fossil fuels this decade if there is no regulation enforcing a high price on carbon. If companies can pollute for free using fossil fuels, they will.” Read more

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