Wind farm turbines on the water


CEF in the media

CEF in the media  |  Oct 16, 2023

As the Future of India’s Coal Is Decided, Life in a Mining District Hangs in the Balance

Time magazine

Not making any new commitments to coal is good news, says Tim Buckley, the director of the think thank Climate Energy Finance, but there’s a downside for those affected by existing operations: “’No new coal’ means you rush to complete all the mines that are already there,” he said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 14, 2023

Energy bills to fall as gas and coal prices drop, renewables go ballistic

Michael West Media

A profound investment surge in renewables, heat pump, batteries and EV manufacturing capacity globally is underway, with annual global manufacturing capacities of each due to double every 24 months at the current run rate, Tim Buckley of Climate Energy Finance (CEF) told MWM. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 12, 2023

Tim Buckley on 10 News First delaying the closure of Eraring power station could undermine climate change targets

Channel 10 News

Tim Buckley welcomes the NSW government to legislate climate change targets, he argues that throwing hundreds of millions of dollars at Eraring power station is the wrong decision, and the environment can’t afford the delay of the closure of Eraring. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 12, 2023

MAS explores using carbon credits to accelerate closure of coal plants


Green Central Bank reports: Singapore’s central bank wants to incentivise the phasing out of coal plants with carbon credits and replace it with transition credits towards renewable energy. Tim Buckley said “while carbon credits are good for developing longer term transition plans, they are subject to investor and industry manipulation which could “over-inflate the cost of avoided emissions” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 12, 2023

When Quiet Diplomacy Wins Out Over Harsh Words With China


Wong’s team was determined to get the relationship back on track. As the first female foreign minister of Chinese-Malaysian heritage, Wong understands how Australian multiculturalism can influence and shape a highly diverse new world order, notes Xuyang Dong from the Sydney-based think tank Climate Energy Finance Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 12, 2023

Tim Buckley on ABC Radio Tasmania discussing solutions for affordable power

ABC Radio

Tim Buckley, discussed Australia’s energy landscape. Tim highlights the impact of climate change on the energy sector and the need for a balanced approach to address energy, cost of living, and climate crises. He also explains the potential benefits of projects like the Marinus Link and provides insight into wholesale power prices and their potential impact on retail prices in Tasmania. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 10, 2023

New Zealand zeroes in on an emissions-free power grid

Energy Monitor

The size of the BlackRock fund “is very material” for New Zealand, especially with its already high share of renewables and entrenched electricity decarbonisation pathways, says Tim Buckley, Sydney-based director of think tank Climate Energy Finance, who has done work for New Zealand’s power sector. “The whole idea of renewable energy infrastructure is that it is low-risk and patient capital,” Buckley explains. “It is effectively like bond-plus returns if you have the right long-term offtaker in place, so you can actually deploy a large amount of capital that would otherwise go into a bond fund.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 9, 2023

China leads in green energy development


Tim Buckley, Director of Climate Energy Finance highlights the remarkable advancements in renewable energy made by China, with a particular emphasis on solar and wind power. Tim is impressively captivated by China’s prodigious expansion in the energy field, recognising that it has surpassed other nations by installing an astonishing fivefold increase in renewable energy. He draws attention to China’s tactical approach, noting that an impressive 156 gigawatts of wind and solar have been set up within a span of eight months, signifying a substantial 120% escalation compared to the previous year. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 8, 2023

Secret researches by Australian authority found that it is “impossible” for Australia to “decouple” from China


References News 参考消息 reports: Dong Xuyang, an analyst at an independent think tank in Sydney – Climate Energy Finance, said that “diversifying away from China in the supply chain would be tough”. “Whether people like it or not, the reality is that China is dominating the global renewable industry as a result of insufficient effort from the rest of the world. And China is producing these products at the scale and speed the global energy transition needs.” [This article is reposted on Tencent, Sohu,, Sina Finance, Shanghai Observer, Sina] Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 6, 2023

Three Secret Studies in Eight Years from Canberra Confirmed that the Australian and Chinese Economies Cannot be Decoupled


Australian Chinese Daily reports: “Diversifying away from China in the supply chain would be tough,” said Dong Xuyang, an analyst at Climate Energy Finance, an independent think tank in Sydney. “Whether people like it or not, the reality is that China is dominating the global renewable industry as a result of insufficient effort from the rest of the world. And China is producing these products at the scale and speed the global energy transition needs.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 5, 2023

Exclusive | Australia concludes China decoupling ‘impossible’ after carrying out series of classified studies

South China Morning Post

“Diversifying away from China in the supply chain would be tough,” said Dong Xuyang, an analyst at Climate Energy Finance, an independent think tank in Sydney. “Whether people like it or not, the reality is that China is dominating the global renewable industry as a result of insufficient effort from the rest of the world. And China is producing these products at the scale and speed the global energy transition needs.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 4, 2023

Community forum to tackle bushfire threat


The Manly Daily reports meteorologists are predicting a hot, dry summer over the 2023-24 season, with a significantly increased risk of bushfires. A Northern Beaches community forum, with a panel of experts to discuss the implications and how to prepare and respond will be hosted by Mackellar MP Dr Sophie Scamps, and feature Tim Buckley, Greg Mullins, former Commissioner of Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) and Dr Simon Bradshaw, author and Research Director at the Climate Council independent research charity. Read more

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