Wind farm turbines on the water


CEF in the media

CEF in the media  |  Mar 13, 2024

Is Southeast Asia set for a green energy revolution powered by small solar panels and EVs?

South China Morning Post

Tim Buckley, the Sydney-based director of the Climate Energy Finance think tank, said the adoption of DER systems, particularly rooftop solar panels, should be scaled up significantly in Asia to reach their potential. “DER is a massively underutilised resource, particularly for land-constrained nations who have good solar resources like India and others in Asia,” Buckley said. Citing an example in Denmark, Buckley said construction is under way to build the world’s largest solar rooftop power plant. When completed, the plant on top of a logistics centre in the city of Horsens will have 35 megawatts of capacity, equal to a typical solar farm. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Mar 13, 2024

Woodside serves “nothing burger” on climate and clean energy as shares show decade long decline

Renew Economy

In what is a feat of corporate climate denialism and dereliction of fiduciary duty to invest strategically for the long-term interests of shareholders, Woodside this week cited market uncertainty over the climate science as a reason to delay its green investments. The $55 billion fossil fuel giant – Australia’s biggest – will simultaneously accelerate deployment of three high-emissions greenfield methane gas and oil developments globally, pointing to mythically high return projections completely unsupported by reality to support the play. Apparently, Woodside just sees too many climate scenarios and doesn’t know which one to pick! And blames its customers for its corporate confusion. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Mar 12, 2024

VIDEO| Is China the New Superpower?


On the Planet A podcast dive into the world of renewable energy and decarbonization with Tim Buckley, Director of Climate Energy Finance – an engaging discussion on the future of energy, global energy markets, and how we are becoming a multi-polar world. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Mar 8, 2024

OP ED | Coalition’s nuclear red herring is a betrayal of the Australian people

Canberra Times

The sudden enthusiasm of the LNP for nuclear energy is another divisive, cynical and damaging ploy to ignite Climate Wars 2.0 and disrupt and delay Australia’s accelerating renewables transition on behalf of the fossil fuel cartel. The LNP’s climate and energy luddites burned a decade when they were in office. We can’t afford more of the same policy lunacy. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Mar 6, 2024

‘Nuclear fantasy,’ Dutton’s power plant policy unclear and under attack

Canberra Times

Tim Buckley, the director of the independent think tank Climate Energy Finance, said the opposition’s nuclear energy solution is about delay, which he views as the “new denialism.” “We’ve got this pure hypothetical political spin about waiting for 20 years for SMRs. We can’t afford to wait,” he told The Canberra Times. “We have a climate crisis. We have a cost-of-living crisis now. What this is all about is sowing disinformation and delay. It’s climate science denialism. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Mar 6, 2024

Energy Sector Calls For Community To Remain Engaged On Offshore Wind


Climate Capital Forum member Satya Tanner in Port Stephens News of the Area new site, on the importance of communities remaining engaged in consultation on offshore wind in Australia. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Mar 5, 2024

TOXIC BONDS | Green bond or red flag? The risks behind Adani Green’s bond


“Investing in green bonds issued by a group that is one of the largest private fossil fuel developers in the world is total greenwash, a perfect example of investor fraud. I think it’s very telling that this bond raise excludes the US. [The US is] the best-regulated market in the world, in my view, in terms of financial markets, and this bond is excluded from that for very clear reasons that were raised by Hindenburg… and which are still outstanding, in my mind, today.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 27, 2024

OP ED | Forrest is right: don’t swallow the Coalition’s nuclear and rooftop fairytales

The Australian Financial Review

The false dichotomy of distributed small-scale versus utility-scale renewables, coupled with the nuclear and CCS furphies, is the latest chapter in the Coalition’s efforts to stymie and repoliticise Australia’s energy transition. As Andrew Forrest succinctly put it at his National Press Club address this week: “If we swallow this new lie that we should stop the rollout of green energy and that nuclear energy will be our fairy godmother, we will be worse off again.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 27, 2024

THE DRIVEN | Australian EVs could earn $12,000 in a single year with vehicle-to-grid tech


A new report from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has found that a fleet of EVs used to supply Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) to the National Energy Market (NEM) could generate revenue of up to $12,000 per vehicle in a single year. Tim Buckley from Climate Energy Finance says the new study’s findings can’t be overstated. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 23, 2024

The Sector | Big savings for ECEC services who install rooftop solar, Parents for Climate Change note


According to Climate Energy Finance founder and director Tim Buckley, “A full rollout of solar on schools and early childhood centres would be the largest renewables project in Australia’s history, providing distribution-level grid stability opportunities, particularly as battery systems become more cost competitive.” “The rooftop solar potential of the early childhood and school sectors should be a key part of the national effort to at least treble the existing 20 GW of cumulative rooftop solar capacity to the 60GW target for the NEM by 2040 (and 85GW by 2050 or 100GW including Western Australia and the Northern Territory) as modelled in the Australian Energy Market Operator’s Integrated System Plan,” he added. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 23, 2024

Hydrogen hopefuls stare into valley of death as electrolyser bubble pops

Renew Economy

Hydrogen electrolyser manufacturers are staring into the valley of death, as the hype-fuelled valuations of 2021 and high hopes of the hydrogen economy come crashing down around their ears. Last week, two of the most notable electrolyser technology developers – Plug Power and Bloom Energy Corp – revealed the depth of their problems as they try to achieve massive scale while improving and reducing the cost of the technologies they are developing. “The electrolyser manufacturing sector is going through a massive learning-by-doing as they’re flying the plane,” says Climate Energy Finance director Tim Buckley. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 23, 2024

Qld’s $570 million battery strategy to create 9,100 jobs and add $1.3 billion to economy

Smart Company

Queensland is poised to become Australia’s renewable energy “superpower” after unveiling a $570 million battery industry investment. Think tank Climate Energy Finance (CEF) said Queensland was becoming the nation’s “cleantech leader”. “The battery strategy is further evidence that Queensland is not just undergoing an energy transition but a complete transformation from a legacy coal and gas petrostate to a renewable energy and critical minerals superpower,” CEF director Tim Buckley said. Read more

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