Wind farm turbines on the water



CEF in the media  |  May 22, 2023

Australia’s renewable superpower ambitions could be turbo-charged by Biden compact

Renew Economy

Tim Buckley says the new US-Australia Climate, Critical Minerals and Clean Energy Transformation Compact agreed by US President Biden and PM Albanese provides a landmark policy statement of strategic intent, formalising collaboration and coordination of policies and investments to expand and diversify the clean energy and critical minerals supply chains that underpin global decarbonisation. Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 22, 2023

Tim Buckley on ABC TV News Breakfast breaks down the historic Aus-US Climate, Critical Minerals and Clean Energy Transformation Compact

ABC TV News Channel

This last weekend, US President Biden and PM Albanese agreed a landmark compact for bilateral cooperation on climate and energy, which will massively boost inbound investment and elevate Australia’s potential to lead the world in production of value-added critical minerals, green hydrogen and materials key to the energy transition, as Tim Buckley explains. Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 18, 2023

Miners, battery makers and refineries to share $50m to power energy transition

The Sydney Morning Herald

“We’ve now got this massive policy and fiscal stimulus on anything to do with decarbonisation. In some respects, it’s a response to the geopolitics of China American trade relations,” Tim Buckley says. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Apr 19, 2023

What Rod Sims’ embrace of energy superpower idea means for Australia

The Australian Financial Review

Tim Buckley, director of Climate Energy Finance, estimates Woodside and its Scarborough and Browse LNG project partners face a safeguard mechanism carbon bill of $63 billion out to 2050 if they go ahead. Australian gas producers face the tightening of the safeguard mechanism to make it work as it was designed – as an effective cap-and-trade carbon pricing scheme. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Apr 19, 2023

OP ED | Policy is powering global EV uptake – and Australia needs to catch up fast

Renew Economy

As CEF”s Matt Pollard writes, EV sales accounted for 15% of the global passenger vehicle market in 2022, up from just 5% in 2020. In February, EV sales in China hit a record 32% market share of passenger auto-sales, with fossil fuel-based vehicles falling 20% in absolute terms from February 2022. Capital deployment into clean energy technologies and supply chain diversification has turbo-charged EV sales, galvanised by the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the EU Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA). We look at the trends and implications for Australia. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Apr 18, 2023

$500bn investment needed to decarbonise NEM

FS Sustainability

Tim Buckley comments on the new CEIG report which says private capital investment of over $420bn is needed to decarbonise the NEM in line with 1.5 degrees. The scenario is ambitious but credible, said Tim Buckley”, “the global landscape has changed so fundamentally in the last 9 months, the Australian landscape has changed with new government, such that we now have state and federal alignment but also at the global level, and the US Inflation Reduction Act is a global gamechanger.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Apr 12, 2023

OP ED | For a 1.5°C aligned electricity sector we need capital – and for capital, we need policy

Renew Economy

Our op ed on the new report released today by CEIG and IGCC on what investors need to accelerate the energy transition – collaboration from government with policy and investment to derisk decarbonisation of the electricity sector and attract private capital. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Apr 12, 2023

Brookfield’s positive Origin Energy transition

The Australian Financial Review

Australia stands to be a massive beneficiary of the global decarbonisation race – if it gets the policy and investments right, says Tim Buckley. The good news, says Buckley, is that alongside domestic government policy, global investment giants like Brookfield are increasingly crowding in. Read more

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