Wind farm turbines on the water



CEF in the media  |  Feb 2, 2024

The Future Fund already invests in Australia. Could it be asked to do more?


Lachlan Maddock, Editor of Investor Strategy News points to Climate Capital Forum’s proposal in its pre-budget submission for the Future Fund to include a “strategic national interest objective”. Read more
Media Releases  |  Feb 1, 2024

BlueScope receives funding for lower emissions project

FS Sustainability

Climate Capital Forum founder Blair Palese comments on federal government grant to Bluescope Steel for work to reline existing arc furnace in Port Kembla through Critical Inputs to Clean Energy Industries program. “There is no time left for federal government support for anything except strategies to fully decarbonise as global demand for net-zero materials grows exponentially,” she said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 1, 2024

BlueScope ‘old’ blast furnace grant slammed by experts

The Australian Financial Review

Blair Palese, Climate Capital Forum founder criticises a $137 million federal grant to BlueScope Steel for a $1.15 billion upgrade of its Port Kembla blast furnace. “We need policy vision and ambition that encourages this transition, not more support for existing emission-intensive industries.” Read more
Media Releases  |  Jan 31, 2024

Green Steel Supply Chains are Australia’s Top Decarbonisation Opportunity


Allocating taxpayer monies to support BlueScope Steel to invest $1bn to lock in high emissions blast furnace technology for the next 20 years is a missed opportunity according to Climate Capital Forum. Much stronger incentives are urgently needed to reduce – not support new – fossil fuel powered production. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jan 24, 2024

OP ED | Wind shapes as valuable piece in modern energy jigsaw

The Newcastle Herald

Offshore wind offers an option to supply large, stable electricity for major energy consumers and regional employers, making it a valuable component, particularly as we move to and beyond 82 per cent renewables. It also can help reframe, power and rebuild Australian regional communities, giving people a say through public consultation, partnering with First Nations, and different ways of asset ownership. Wind executive and Climate Capital Forum member Satya Tanner and CCF strategic comms lead Amanda Caldwell explain. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 5, 2023

A game changer: Renewable energy targeted to triple by 2030


Tim Buckley of Climate Energy Finance reflects on the commitment by 118 countries to treble their renewable energy and double their energy efficiency by 2030, set out at COP28 summit. He points out that while this ambitious goal is set, much hinges on which year gets used as the baseline. Tim emphasises China’s efforts in increasing their installation rates of wind and solar energy solutions. He sees this pledge as a potential turning point. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 5, 2023

Investors want Origin Energy to consider green push, asset sale post takeover failure


A capital recycling partnership with AustralianSuper or another pension fund where Origin built projects and then sold stakes after completion could allow 15 GW worth of projects over the next decade if combined with a dividend reinvestment plan underwritten by a big fund, according to Tim Buckley, a director at think tank Climate Energy Finance. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 28, 2023

VIDEO: Australia moves a step closer to cleaner, greener, brighter future


Tim Buckley, Director of Climate Energy Finance expresses his approval of Energy Federal Minister Chris Bowen’s decision to expand the capacity investment scheme, describing it as a major shift in ambition. He highlights the issue of foreign takeovers of Australian energy companies by firms based in tax havens, viewing this as a loss for taxpayers. However, he points out that companies such as Brookfield’s willingness to invest substantial amounts in renewable energy potentially outweighs this concern. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 28, 2023

Solar module prices may reach $0.10/W by end 2024

PV Magazine

Tim Buckley, director of Climate Energy Finance, speaks to pv magazine about the current steep trajectory of solar module prices. He estimates that PV panels prices will end up dropping by 40% this year and predicts the closure of old technology and sub-scale solar manufacturing facilities, both in China and globally. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 27, 2023

Tim on ABC 7.30 VIDEO: Capacity Investment Mechanism

ABC 7.30

The Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) is a federal initiative designed to underpin the deployment of dispatchable renewable energy and storage capacity across Australia, offsetting any reliability gaps as the country transitions from fossil-fuel based to clean energy and coal exits the system. It is a central enabler of the federal renewable energy target of 82% by 2030. The CIS explicitly excludes methane gas peaking power plants. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 22, 2023

OPINION | Why Anthony Albanese should absolutely be at APEC in San Francisco

Canberra Times

CEF partner and advisory board member, Blair Palese, founder of the Climate Capital Forum, on how Prime Minister Anthony Albanese being on the ground at APEC shows that Australia wants to be at the table with the other alliance members as they navigate global decarbonisation, and that we are committed to working with our regional neighbours in the Indo-Pacific Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 19, 2023

OP ED | Big Super shouldn’t block Brookfield’s bid for Origin Energy

The Australian Financial Review

As Tim Buckley asks: What kind of game is AustralianSuper, the country’s biggest super fund, playing with Origin Energy? It is shaping up to scuttle a bid by Canadian fund manager Brookfield et al to acquire Australia’s largest power company, gentailer Origin Energy, and transition it to renewables and storage with a ~$30bn investment – a mammoth capital injection that will be transformative for Australian decarbonisation. What is AustralianSuper offering as its alternative plan? Higher electricity prices, slower decarbonisation and more climate destruction? If it kills the deal, will it step up and guarantee a $30bn commitment to decarbonising Origin? If not, why not? If it has no legitimate answer to these questions, it should get out of the way. Read more

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