Wind farm turbines on the water


Energy crisis

CEF in the media  |  Feb 21, 2024

Energy Source & Distribution | Report: Queensland leading Australia’s renewables race


A new report by independent public interest think tank Climate Energy Finance (CEF) finds that Queensland’s nation-leading investment into transmission, large-scale low-cost renewable energy and Consumer Energy Resources (CER) is crowding-in a tidal wave of public and private capital. Leveraging Queensland’s game-changing $62 billion Energy and Jobs Plan, this is accelerating the state’s energy transition, reducing reliance on expensive, polluting fossil fuels and putting downward pressure on household and commercial energy bills. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 21, 2024

WIN News TV on Queensland Energy Transformation Report


Tim Buckley appears on Queensland WIN News to discuss CEF’s new Queensland Energy Transformation report. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 21, 2024

ABC Radio Sunshine Coast with Tim Buckley

ABC Radio

Tim Buckley joins ABC Radio Sunshine Coast to discuss how Queensland’s Energy and Jobs Plan is bringing in a tidal wave of investment into large-scale renewables, as well as distributed energy resources. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 21, 2024

ABC Radio Brisbane with Tim Buckley and Kelly Higgins-Devine

ABC Radio

Tim Buckley joins Kelly Higgins-Devine to discuss Climate Energy Finance’s new report analysing Queensland’s energy transformation, covering government investment, renewables, rooftop solar and energy prices. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 21, 2024

Tidal wave of capital transforms Queensland into renewables and critical minerals superpower

Renew Economy

The sunshine state is at the precipice of transforming from a legacy coal and gas petrostate to a renewable energy superpower. It is in the process of unleashing its once-in-a-century opportunity to lead the world in exporting decarbonised critical minerals and metals key to the global energy transition. As we find in our new CEF report, Queensland’s nation-leading investment into transmission, large-scale low-cost renewable energy and Consumer Energy Resources (CER) is crowding-in a tidal wave of public and private capital. Off the back of the state’s game-changing Energy and Jobs Plan, this is turbocharging the energy transition, reducing reliance on expensive, polluting fossil fuels and slashing household and commercial energy bills. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 21, 2024

Acciona bets on Qld clean energy as NSW, Victoria lag

The Australian Financial Review

A new report by Climate Energy Finance, a Sydney-based think tank, praises Queensland’s energy and jobs plan, a climate, energy and future industries policy designed to eliminate the state’s reliance on fossil fuels. The report, Queensland’s Energy Transformation: From Coal Colossus to Renewable Energy Superpower, will be released Wednesday. It says the jobs plan, backed by a 75 per cent 2035 emissions reduction target, has put the state on “the precipice of a clean-tech revolution, one that well positions the state as a renewable energy and cleantech superpower”. “In an incredibly short timeframe, Queensland has pivoted from energy and climate laggard to a national leader in distributed rooftop solar and large-scale firmed renewables and infrastructure.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 16, 2024

When everyone else lost power, Kate’s stayed on. Here’s why

The Sydney Morning Herald

Tim Buckley said Tuesday’s blackout shows why it is important the energy market diversify, particularly as climate change escalates and extreme weather becomes more extreme and more frequent. “Our power system needs to factor this in as part of sensible adaptation. Victoria, like Australia, is on notice. We need to plan and build in energy system resilience as a key priority, and invest in a modern, flexible grid that is future-proofed,” he said. Buckley added that thermal coal power plants were not part of that solution, instead they were the problem. “Australia’s world-leading distributed rooftop solar and battery residential systems can be built in a day, or for commercial properties, a month, at speed and scale,” he said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 15, 2024

Victoria’s power dilemma: Reliability, resilience and a 40-year-old plant

The Age

Grid expert Tim Buckley, director of Climate Energy Finance, said that when you had 30 per cent of Victoria’s power generation centred on a single, ageing facility, “you have a real concentration of risk”. “The idea that Loy Yang A is going to be operational 10 years from now is really remote,” Buckley said. “The engineers say it has a 40-year life asset. Forty years is next year, so any year beyond 2025 is a bonus year. “So we have critical point reliance on something that already next year reaches its end of useful life and we’re banking on it being held down for another decade. It’s already unreliable.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 15, 2024

Spectre of ‘climate wars’ looms in Queensland as LNP urged to back government’s emissions reduction target

The Guardian

Environmentalists have implored Queensland’s opposition party to “end the climate wars” by backing the government’s carbon emissions reduction target as renewables industry leaders also call for bipartisanship on the issue. Climate Energy Finance director, Tim Buckley, said the industry requires bipartisan support for long-term planning and security. “That means it’s got longevity and credibility and therefore it provides the investor certainty that is needed to really underpin the literally hundreds of billions of dollars of investments that are required to make this work,” Buckley said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Media Releases  |  Feb 15, 2024

OP ED | Massive Victoria blackout underlines need to accelerate transition to firmed renewables

Renew Economy

Victoria, like Australia, is on notice. We need to plan and build-in energy system resilience as a key priority, and invest in a modern, flexible grid that is future-proofed. This requires pivoting emphatically and as a matter of urgency from risky dependence on end-of-life, unreliable, polluting centralised coal-plants like Loy Yang A, built four decades ago for a completely different energy market. Thermal coal power plants are not part of the solution – they are the problem. Alongside big solar, wind and batteries, we stand on the precipice of a revolutionary opportunity to massively upscale consumer energy resources, like solar PV on rooftops everywhere, household batteries, and EVs sending power to the grid. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 14, 2024

OP ED | Victoria’s blackout crisis is rooted in a decade of Coalition Inaction

The Age

Recent blackout crisis in Victoria is caused by a decade of inaction by the Coalition government in addressing climate and energy policy. The blackout was caused by storm damage to power lines, leading to the shutdown of coal-fired generators, which contributed to a third of the state’s power supply being lost. Tim Buckley argues that a lack of investment in transitioning the grid to renewable energy sources, such as rooftop solar and battery storage, has left the energy system vulnerable to such crises. Urging for a shift towards decentralized, decarbonized, and renewable energy solutions, the article emphasizes the need for state and federal cooperation and investment in a modern, resilient energy grid. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Feb 14, 2024

Wind or sun, coal or nuclear; we need a stronger grid and a better debate

The Sydney Morning Herald

“It was not Loy Yang A tripping that caused the blackouts, it was the grid connected to Loy Yang that got taken out, and Loy Yang tripped because [it] couldn’t export the power [it was] generating,” explains energy analyst Tim Buckley. He says distributing the sites at which power is generated and stored and the number of transmission lines connected to these sites to end users would strengthen rather than weaken the grid. “It’s about having a spiderweb so if the one line or one string goes down, the grid overall doesn’t collapse.” Read more

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