Wind farm turbines on the water


Energy crisis

CEF in the media  |  Dec 15, 2022

Wholesale power prices down 50pc

The Australian Financial Review

Tim Buckley describes the halving of forward prices for wholesale power in NSW and QLD as “a staggering real-time endorsement of the government’s efforts” to rein in prices. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 15, 2022

Threat of energy price cap already working


In this story across 100+ mastheads on AAP, Tim Buckley says the 50% drop in forward pricing of wholesale electricity in NSW and QLD in the first quarter of 2023 shows the market had already endorsed the federal government’s price relief plan. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 15, 2022

Crossbenchers urge long term energy action

Canberra Times

Tim Buckley comments in this story in Canberra Times and 100+ mastheads on the federal government’s energy price relief plan, noting that only when we cut ties with the rapacious fossil fuel industry will we be free to harness our plentiful, low-cost clean energy, and the enormous benefits of this once in a century transformation Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 15, 2022

Energy price relief plan to limit bill blowout

ABC Radio

Tim Buckley is interviewed on ABC Radio Sydney about the federal government’s necessary energy market intervention that will see it cap wholesales prices of coal and gas and rebate power bills – noting that the forward electricity market in NSW and QLD has already endorsed the government’s plan by pricing in a 50% reduction in wholesale prices for the first quarter of calendar year 2023. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 13, 2022

Fossil fuel hysterics make coal and gas price caps look like a really good idea

Renew Economy

Tim Buckley’s data showing that fossil fuel multinationals made $120bn in profits in 2022 is quoted in this story noting that the industry is not coping well with the idea that its days might be numbered. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 13, 2022

Climate warrior Chris Bowen wants to subsidise coal mines

The Australian Financial Review

Tim Buckley said the government’s mooted plan to subsidise coal companies for the price cap means they are asking taxpayers to provide compensation to coal mining companies so they can make obscene profits selling back our resources to us. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 12, 2022

OP ED | Fossil fuel exporters’ $140b profit as bills soar

Sydney Morning Herald

Tim Buckley’s new op ed across Nine/Fairfax papers: as fossil fuel multinationals reap obscene $140bn war profits, pay little or no tax and smash homes and businesses with bill shock, the federal government’s energy price relief plan is to be applauded, but this should not include taxpayer compo to coal. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 10, 2022

Power price relief will take until mid next year

Channel 9 News

Tim Buckley on national Nine primetime TV news, commenting on how the federal government’s energy price relief plan will soften the blow of fossil fuel price hyperinflation for consumers . Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 10, 2022

Government energy price relief plan to tackle bill shock

Channel 7 News

Tim Buckley comments in this report on Channel 7 primtime TV news, noting that the federal energy price relief plan will soften the blow of energy hyperinflation – and that the gas lobby’s claims of a supply crunch are bollocks. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 9, 2022

PM’s announcement of energy price relief plan

ABC NewsRadio

Part 2 of Tim Buckley’s interview providing a live reaction to the PM’s press conference announcing the government’s 4 part plan to temper the bill shock impacting Australian households and businesses. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 9, 2022

PM’s announcement of energy price relief plan

ABC NewsRadio

Part 1 of Tim Buckley’s interview providing a live reaction to the PM’s press conference announcing the government’s 4 part plan to temper the bill shock impacting Australian households and businesses. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 9, 2022

OP ED | Adults are back in the room, with policy that paves the way for cheaper electricity

Renew Economy

In this op ed, Tim Buckley welcomes the cooperative spirit at the meeting of state and federal energy ministers that delivered a watershed capacity investment mechanism which will trigger a rapid upsurge in firmed renewables. Read more

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