Wind farm turbines on the water


Energy crisis

CEF in the media  |  Jul 21, 2023

‘Excessive’ power costs for consumers questioned as wholesale prices tumble

ABC online

As the coal lobby argues for Eraring’s life to be extended beyond 2025, Tim Buckley said: keeping Eraring open longer than planned would cost taxpayers between $200 million and $400 million a year in subsidies. He argued the money would be better spent on speeding up the development of renewable energy capacity needed to replace fossil fuels. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jul 20, 2023

Liddell power station closure contributed to higher energy prices, regulator says

ABC online

Tim Buckley: “There is more than enough new capacity in the pipeline to replace closing coal power stations. It’s a question of whether the NSW bureaucracy is going to actually approve it. We have seen a little bit of a lull in new investment decisions. And that’s really coming back to regulatory inertia. The energy minister must place pressure on the bureaucracy to approve renewables faster. We’ve seen batteries have been built in just 12 months once they get to final investment decision.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jul 20, 2023

AER Energy Report – Price Impact


Tim Buckley on ABC TV 7pm News responds to the AER’s Wholesale Markets Quarterly Report, noting that there is more than enough renewables capacity in the pipeline to offset coal power closures – it is a matter of whether the NSW bureaucracy is going to approve it in a timely way. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jul 18, 2023

OP ED | Australia’s biggest coal plant can close in 2025 and lights won’t go out. Here’s how

Renew Economy

The fossil fuel lobby and certain parts of the media are agitating for an extension of Eraring coal power station beyond 2025 under the pretext that closure must be pushed back to ensure supply and “keep the lights on.” This is a massive furphy and a bad idea. Delay would put power affordability, reliability and security at risk. It would undermine both the NSW government’s climate policy, and the federal government’s 82% by 2030 renewable energy target and its legislated 43% emissions reduction target. Our new report outlines how closure can happen on time – the project pipeline and investment capital are ready and able! Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jul 18, 2023

Lights Will Stay On energy report releases

The Guardian

The Lights Will Stay On report released today warns delays to closing Eraring – Australia’s largest coal-fired power station – and the smaller Vales Point would cost the bank and risk the nation’s emissions reduction target, AAP reports. Analysis by Climate Energy Finance’s director, Tim Buckley, finds NSW can close the power stations as planned with slight incentives for solar and wind investment. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jul 18, 2023

AFR: NSW urged to invest $400m cost of prolonging Eraring in clean energy

The Australian Financial Review

The NSW government is being urged to save the estimated $200 million to $400 million annual cost of keeping the state’s largest coal-fired power station open and invest the money in accelerating its clean energy rollout instead. A new report by Tim Buckley of Climate Energy Finance rejects mounting calls by energy customers for Origin Energy’s 2880 megawatt Eraring power station to be kept open beyond its scheduled 2025 closure date. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jul 18, 2023

Eraring Power Station can close by 2025 but renewables supply must be boosted, CEF report says, as Minns government weighs up electricity sector transition

The Newcastle Herald

Eraring Power Station can close on time in 2025 if the NSW government takes steps to accelerate renewable energy projects, a report says. The report, to be released on Tuesday by Climate Energy Finance (CEF) think tank, said there was “no case to delay the planned closure of Eraring”. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jul 18, 2023

Emissions danger if NSW delays coal shutdown: report

Canberra Times

NSW can safely close Australia’s largest coal-fired power station in 2025, secure supply and reduce power bills with a speedier rollout of renewables, analysis shows. The Lights Will Stay On report released on Tuesday warns delays to the closure of Eraring and the smaller Vales Point would cost the bank and risk the nation’s emissions reduction target. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 26, 2023

New 10MW electrolyser to feed gas into homes, experts shake their heads

Renew Economy

A $51 million, 10 megawatt (MW) electrolyser is planned for North East Water’s local wastewater plant in Wodonga, one of the largest proposed for Australia, and will feed green hydrogen into the local gas network at a blend of up to 10 per cent. Tim Buckley says gas companies are substituting high emission, low cost gas for low emission, high cost green hydrogen and it’s a low value use of the hydrogen. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 20, 2023

Tim Buckley on AEMO CEO’s commentary that investment in energy transition is too slow & the new federal Critical Minerals Strategy.

ABC TV The Business

Tim Buckley breaks down the statement by AEMO CEO Daniel Westerman today that we are not moving fast enough on decarbonisation of the grid; and speaks to the federal government’s Critical Minerals Strategy released today that announced a $500m commitment to minerals processing – a disappointing underinvestment in Australia’s once in a century opportunity to leverage our massive reserves and lead globally on value-added energy transition materials. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 18, 2023

President Biden seeing a ‘huge surge’ in employment activity

Sky News

Climate Energy Finance Director Tim Buckley says United States President Joe Biden is seeing a “huge surge” in employment activity after the country invested in manufacturing. “The US has the inflation reduction act, and we are seeing investors piling in,” Mr Buckley told Sky News Australia. “There’s a bit of trade war that’s emerged between America and China and America’s response is to invest in manufacturing capacity in America, and so President Biden’s seeing a huge surge in employment activity.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 18, 2023

China and America investing in climate crisis solutions

Sky News

Climate Energy Finance Director Tim Buckley says China and America are investing in solutions to solve the climate crisis which include solar power. “It is staggering to see how much manufacturing activity is actually underway in 2023 and it’s been led by China,” Mr Buckley told Sky News Australia. “It’s great in many respects, we’ve got a climate emergency, but it’s great both China, America even Europe, Japan, Korea, India they’re all piling in, they’re all responding and they’re investing in solutions at a scale that actually could solve the climate crisis.” Read more

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