Wind farm turbines on the water



CEF in the media  |  Oct 20, 2022

ENERGY TRANSITION | Victoria plan to revive public energy ownership

Canberra Times

“As we build out more supply of very cheap, variable renewable energy – firmed by batteries and so on – we will see the electricity price halve over the next decade,” CEF director Tim Buckley told AAP in a story featured across over 100 mastheads. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 19, 2022

ENERGY TRANSITION | Renewable energy transmission gets multi-billion injection but projects still years away

ABC Radio National Drive

Tim Buckley: “It will take 5-10 years to build out the grid after a decade of policy inaction. Now we have to move double fast to build the infrastructure and facilitate the wave of $100bn of new regional investment in wind, solar, pumped hydro, batteries and so on bringing huge employment opportunities and value adding for communities and industries, and to lower energy prices for all of us”. [at 11:45] Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 19, 2022

ENERGY TRANSITION | Government announces funding plan for Marinus Link

ABC Radio National PM

Tim Buckley: “The critical point here is that the federal government is now working with the states to deliver on key objectives: decarbonisation, reducing the cost of power for all Australians and modernising the grid.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 18, 2022

ENERGY TRANSITION | As energy costs grow so do the flow-on effects to the elderly and low-income Australians

Canberra Times

Tim Buckley comments that a decrease in energy prices will come from meaningful federal government investment in the grid, “unlocking new zero emissions capacity investment, increasing supply and reducing prices for Australians,” in this story syndicated across the ACM media network. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 2, 2022

What the war in Ukraine means for Asia’s climate goals

Washington Post

Tim Buckley comments in this story on how Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has triggered fossil fuel hyperinflation, as Asia faces a crossroads in its accelerating energy transition. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 21, 2022

Massive missed opportunity: NSW could make $23bn with tiered tax on record coal profits

The Guardian

Tim Buckley notes that a ‘small number of fossil fuel-exporting companies are making windfall gains,’ making the case for a Queensland-style progressive royalties system in NSW. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 20, 2022

Fortescue to spend $6.2bn to curb iron ore emissions


For Fortescue to meet its target of “real zero” in its operations by 2030 would be “a serious challenge,” Tim Buckley said in an interview with Bloomberg. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 19, 2022

Private owners net millions in sale of ageing NSW coal-fired power station

The Guardian

Tim Buckley labels Delta Electricity’s sale of Hunter power station to Sev.en Global Investments as ‘worst of all outcomes’. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 14, 2022

OP ED | When the finance moves get out of the way: How capital is driving the transition to net zero

The New Daily

Green finance is accelerating globally, and is playing a critical role in achieving climate action at the scale required to solve the climate challenge, as Tim Buckley writes. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 9, 2022

‘Deflationary’ wind farms inflating these stocks

The Australian

The reason behind the rise of renewables in recent years turns out to be as much about economics as it is about decarbonisation, according to Tim Buckley. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 2, 2022

NSW government’s commitment to pumped hydro storage, ABC Illawarra

ABC Radio

The government announced support for five new pumped hydro schemes across the state. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 2, 2022

Government pumps $44m into hydro projects to plug energy gaps

Sydney Morning Herald

Tim Buckley highlights the need for investment in geographically and technologically diverse energy, e.g. solar, wind-pumped hydro and other technologies as climate change and its costs accelerate. Read more

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