Wind farm turbines on the water



CEF in the media  |  Oct 31, 2022

State and federal support key to Australia becoming a critical minerals super power

Renew Economy

In #6 in CEF’s series on critical minerals, Matt Pollard and Tim Buckley review key Australian public financial capital initiatives and their role in accelerating Australia’s critical mineral supply chain value-adding projects, with a focus on key examples. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 31, 2022

Andrews seeks gas reserve as premiers divided on power price cap

The Australian

Tim Buckley’s discussion on Sky News Afternoon Agenda with Kieran Gilbert on gas in this story in The Australian: “We have a gas cartel, according to the ACCC – 90 per cent of the gas reserves in eastern Australia are controlled by three consortia, which have ramped up the price on the east coast tenfold, 1000 per cent, in the last three, four, five years and we are now paying above export price parity”. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 30, 2022

COP27: As nations head for Egypt climate summit, some signs of hope

Sydney Morning Herald

In his piece foreshadowing next month’s COP 27 and tracking global progress on decarbonisation, Nine/Fairfax environment editor quotes Tim Buckley on China: while it leads the world in coal use, it also leads in “wind and solar installation and manufacturing, EV production, batteries, hydro, nuclear, ground heat pumps, grid transmission and distribution, green hydrogen, literally every zero-emissions technology today.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 28, 2022

Curtain call for fossil fuels: IEA says Ukraine war locks in shift to renewables

Renew Economy

Tim Buckley calls on Australian governments and industry to note the IEA’s forecast for the ongoing structural decline of coal, modelling up to a 45% decline globally by 2030. The agency also highlights the structural demand for key critical minerals and hence the opportunity for Australia as a world leader in critical mineral resources. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 28, 2022

IEA forecasts fossil fuel demand to peak by mid ’20s

The Australian

As fossil fuels peak before 2030 and then decline, Tim Buckley notes that the IEA’s 2022 World Energy Outlook says a huge increase in energy investment, to above $4 trillion per year, is essential to reduce the risks of future energy price spikes and volatility, and to get on track for net zero emissions by 2050. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 26, 2022

Federal budget wrap part 2

ABC Radio

In part 2 of an extended interview, Tim Buckley gives a comprehensive breakdown of the positive energy transition initiatives in the 2022 budget, as well as the omissions and missed opportunities. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 26, 2022

Federal budget wrap part 1

ABC Radio

In part 1 of a 12 minute interview, Tim Buckley gives a comprehensive breakdown of the positive energy transition initiatives in the 2022 budget, as well as the omissions and missed opportunities. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 26, 2022

Budget 2022-23: Powering clean, affordable energy with jobs and training to match

Energy Magazine

Tim Buckley comments on the Federal Budget, including its lack of attention to tackling the revenue costs of fossil fuel subsidies. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 26, 2022

OP ED | Budget offers substantial progress on energy transition, but serious omissions remain

The New Daily

Tim Buckley writes that the federal budget is pragmatic and aligned with the government’s positive energy transition commitments. However, the absence of any meaningful, long overdue fossil fuel tax reform, which would generate revenue to offset the power price hyperinflation smashing Australians, is a major omission. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 25, 2022

Climate related measures expected to feature in federal budget

Canberra Times

Tim Buckley: “At the end of the day we’ve got an energy crisis, a cost of living crisis, a climate crisis. We need to reform the tax system to make it fairer and make sure multi-nationals pay … [and] quantify the benefit to Australia in terms of corporate tax receipts and reductions of fossil fuels.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 25, 2022

ENERGY TRANSITION | Many difficult cogs in the electricity price wheel

The Australian Financial Review

Tim Buckley comments in this story which notes while consumer electricity prices are inflated and may rise in the near term as the system decarbonises, the long-term outcome will be a reduction in power prices. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 21, 2022

ENERGY TRANSITION | Australia’s biggest electricity system ‘on life support’ as states take control of energy transition

ABC online

“The national electricity market needs fundamental reform,” Tim Buckley said. “Chaotic federal energy policy under the previous government, meant state governments going it alone.” Buckley described Victoria’s decision to renationalise part of the electricity system as ‘excellent’, saying that even though the time frame was ‘aggressive’ it would give greater certainty to everybody.” Read more

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