Wind farm turbines on the water



CEF in the media  |  Apr 12, 2023

OP ED | For a 1.5°C aligned electricity sector we need capital – and for capital, we need policy

Renew Economy

Our op ed on the new report released today by CEIG and IGCC on what investors need to accelerate the energy transition – collaboration from government with policy and investment to derisk decarbonisation of the electricity sector and attract private capital. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Apr 12, 2023

Brookfield’s positive Origin Energy transition

The Australian Financial Review

Australia stands to be a massive beneficiary of the global decarbonisation race – if it gets the policy and investments right, says Tim Buckley. The good news, says Buckley, is that alongside domestic government policy, global investment giants like Brookfield are increasingly crowding in. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Apr 7, 2023

Value of Australian lithium exports tipped to match thermal coal in five years

The Guardian

As the Guardian reports the finding of the federal Resources and Energy Quarterly that export earnings from lithium are set to match thermal coal within 5 years, Tim Buckley said public support for private investment in renewably powered refining operations should come from the $15bn national reconstruction fund and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, the government’s ‘green bank’. “The massive opportunities emerging for Australia from the accelerating global energy transition are crystal clear,” he said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Apr 6, 2023

OP ED | What role do Australia’s critical minerals play in the global energy transition?

Energy Insights

In this analysis, Tim Buckley looks at Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ call to back the FIRB recommendation to reject a Chinese-linked fund’s increased equity stake in emerging Australian critical minerals developer, Northern Minerals, in the context of Australia’s massive and burgeoning opportunity to lead the world in value-added critical minerals. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Apr 4, 2023

Experts predict fierce industry pushback if property owners are forced to disclose climate risk

Fifth Estate

Tim Buckley notes that for building and pest reports, the “caveat emptor” principle applies, and the onus is on the buyer to obtain any necessary knowledge. “Sellers are going to be reluctant to provide climate risk information. They’ll be virtually admitting “I bought in a flood plain 40 years ago.” Buckley believes it is up to the government to provide accurate information, although if they don’t already own it, they will need to either pay to acquire the data or cover the cost of reports from private providers. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Apr 1, 2023

Emissions under Australia’s compliance scheme rise in FY 2021-22

S&P Global

Tim Buckley comments that the Safeguard Mechanism installed by the former LNP government “has been 100% ineffective over the last couple of years at doing anything but giving heavy industries a free excuse to keep on polluting,” Under the SGM reforms put in place by the current government “the value of carbon credits is likely to go up over time quite rapidly toward the cap,” of A$75/mtCO2e set by the government – a credible and rising price on carbon to incentivise decarbonisation. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Mar 31, 2023

Drowning or Waving? Will Beetaloo gas frackers survive Greens, Labor Safeguard deal?

Michael West Media

Adam Bandt says the emissions pact struck with Chris Bowen will kill off Betaloo Basin gas projects. Shares in gas companies Empire and Tamboran took an immediate hit. Tim Buckley weighs the frackers’ deficient responses on their emissions risks. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Mar 28, 2023

OP ED | How the Albanese government’s climate safeguard mechanism will work

Canberra Times

Our op ed in today’s Canberra Times on the deal struck yesterday between the Labor federal government and the Greens with the support of the Teals and David Pocock, which will see an improved Safeguard Mechanism, designed to cut emissions from Australia’s biggest polluters, finally signed into law. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Mar 28, 2023

Industry’s advice to new NSW government: lead us to the ‘electrification of everything

Fifth Estate

“Industry is broadly supportive of the [incoming NSW ALP government’s] energy transition plan, but experts told The Fifth Estate more detail was needed on how cities will be fully electrified in coming years. ‘We’ve seen talk from the federal and state energy ministers that we need to do an electrification of everything and we haven’t seen any detail. The property sector is the obvious starting point,’ said Tim Buckley.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Mar 28, 2023

The Greens and Labor have made a deal on emissions. What changed?

Sydney Morning Herald

SMH reviews the deal struck between the government and the Greens to ensure passage of the Safeguard Mechanism through parliament: “Tim Buckley calculates the cost of offsetting rather than reducing emissions to be $5 billion annually by 2030. ‘Industry can’t just afford a hit like that,’ he says. ‘Solutions once considered unviable are now immediately financially inevitable’.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Mar 27, 2023

The government’s banking on its Safeguard Mechanism to drastically reduce emissions, will it be enough?

ABC Radio National Drive

Tim Buckley breaks down the deal struck today by the federal government with the Greens to support its proposed Safeguard mechanism legislation, with some amendments – including a hard cap on emissions, and some significant advances on limiting and reporting methane, a key driver of climate change and 70% of the emissions covered by the SGM. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Mar 27, 2023

Opposition warns safeguard mechanism will lead to higher prices, introduction of carbon tax

News Corp papers

Tim Buckley refute assertions by the opposition that the safeguard deal struck today will raise energy prices, noting any price increases arising from the mechanism would be “immaterial”: “The impact of the safeguard mechanism on the Australian consumer is almost immaterial in terms of the overall impact of energy prices and resulting wider inflation. Extreme weather events have a much greater impact on businesses’ bottom line than any costs they would incur under the legislation, with the $8.5 billion in losses caused by flooding in 2022 alone exemplifying how the costs of inaction on climate far exceed any “costs” of decarbonisation. Read more

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