Wind farm turbines on the water



CEF in the media  |  Jun 27, 2023

How much will Australia realistically achieve with its critical minerals?

PV Magazine

Buckley of Climate Energy Finance pointed out Australia could also have an opportunity when it comes to heavy haulage electric trucks, since as a nation we command much of the market via our mining industry. “In heavy haulage vehicles, Australia is number two,” he said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 26, 2023

New 10MW electrolyser to feed gas into homes, experts shake their heads

Renew Economy

A $51 million, 10 megawatt (MW) electrolyser is planned for North East Water’s local wastewater plant in Wodonga, one of the largest proposed for Australia, and will feed green hydrogen into the local gas network at a blend of up to 10 per cent. Tim Buckley says gas companies are substituting high emission, low cost gas for low emission, high cost green hydrogen and it’s a low value use of the hydrogen. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 24, 2023

OP ED | Critical minerals strategy needs to dig a little deeper

Canberra Times

With the world racing ahead with huge subsidies attracting massive capital inflows, the $500m commitment in the new federal Critical Minerals Strategy released this week is a drop in the ocean, and fails to take advantage of Australia’s unique position in the energy transition as a potential critical minerals value-adding superpower. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 22, 2023

OP ED | Missed opportunity: Critical minerals strategy falls drastically short on funding

Renew Economy

Australia has the potential to secure its position as a world leader in value-added critical minerals supply that underpins the energy transition. However, while the new Australian Critical Minerals Strategy 2023-2030 released by the federal government this week rightly foregrounds leveraging international supply and value chain partnerships, the new funding of $500m to NAIF fails to invest in Australia’s minerals boom at a scale commensurate with the opportunity – and is an inadequate response to the capital investments of our partners and competitors in the global decarbonisation race, such as the US IRA. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 20, 2023

Tim Buckley on AEMO CEO’s commentary that investment in energy transition is too slow & the new federal Critical Minerals Strategy.

ABC TV The Business

Tim Buckley breaks down the statement by AEMO CEO Daniel Westerman today that we are not moving fast enough on decarbonisation of the grid; and speaks to the federal government’s Critical Minerals Strategy released today that announced a $500m commitment to minerals processing – a disappointing underinvestment in Australia’s once in a century opportunity to leverage our massive reserves and lead globally on value-added energy transition materials. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 18, 2023

President Biden seeing a ‘huge surge’ in employment activity

Sky News

Climate Energy Finance Director Tim Buckley says United States President Joe Biden is seeing a “huge surge” in employment activity after the country invested in manufacturing. “The US has the inflation reduction act, and we are seeing investors piling in,” Mr Buckley told Sky News Australia. “There’s a bit of trade war that’s emerged between America and China and America’s response is to invest in manufacturing capacity in America, and so President Biden’s seeing a huge surge in employment activity.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 18, 2023

China and America investing in climate crisis solutions

Sky News

Climate Energy Finance Director Tim Buckley says China and America are investing in solutions to solve the climate crisis which include solar power. “It is staggering to see how much manufacturing activity is actually underway in 2023 and it’s been led by China,” Mr Buckley told Sky News Australia. “It’s great in many respects, we’ve got a climate emergency, but it’s great both China, America even Europe, Japan, Korea, India they’re all piling in, they’re all responding and they’re investing in solutions at a scale that actually could solve the climate crisis.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 16, 2023

Report: solar power to get cheaper in Australia as panel supplies soar 

Power Technology

As the global output of solar panels increases, Australia is set to benefit from an electricity price fall of 10%, a report from the think-tank Climate Energy Finance calculates. The Solar Pivot report by analysts Tim Buckley and Xuyang Dong forecasts that “solar costs will halve again before 2030, underpinning an accelerating disruption of world energy markets and driving energy transition momentum”. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 16, 2023

OP ED | A coal royalties revamp delivered a record surplus in Queensland. Here’s why NSW must follow suit

The Guardian

Tim Buckley writes that it’s about time NSW reflected QLD’s progressive coal royalty regime which has just delivered a stunning dividend to the people of the state. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 14, 2023

Middle-finger development

The Monthly

The Monthly daily newsletter questions the federal governments support for Middle Arm as renewables burgeon, citing CEF’s Solar Pivot report and its call for the teasurer to introduced solar module manufacturing tax incentives to onshore production and create jobs. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 14, 2023

Solar price deflation accelerates

ABC Radio National The World Today

The price for solar panels keeps dropping, and China is leading the deflation by a massive solar manufacturing buildout flooding the market. Tim Buckley says that we expect solar module prices to drop at least 10% annually over the rest of this decade as China triples its solar module production capacity by 2024 across the entire solar supply chain. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 14, 2023

OP ED | “Truly momentous:” Solar is changing everything, and Australia must seize the occasion

Renew Economy

CEF’s new Solar Pivot report sees unprecedented trade and investment opportunities, in the order of hundreds of billions of dollars, for Australia to “ship sunshine”, embodying decarbonisation in its exports by using its solar and wind energy to process its world-leading critical minerals reserves, and to power manufacturing of energy transition materials. Australia has a once in a century opportunity for investment in renewables, exports, technology and employment, including in solar. It should seize it. Read more

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