Wind farm turbines on the water



CEF in the media  |  Nov 23, 2023

Tim Buckley on Bloomberg TV: on Origin Vote


Tim Buckley, director at Climate Energy Finance, discusses the key issues at stake for the upcoming Origin Energy’s shareholders vote. He speaks with Bloomberg’s Haidi Stroud-Watts on “Bloomberg Daybreak: Australia.” Tim told Bloomberg that it is very important for Australia to drive the decarbonisation transformation of our economy at speed and scale required. That requires hundreds of billions of dollars of investment, hence why he supports Brookfield’s bid for Origin as they have the capital to drive the decarbonisation and is willing to do so. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 23, 2023

OP ED | Bowen has put a rocket under big renewables. Small-scale market must be next

Renew Economy

CEF Tim Buckley and Annemarie Jonson wrote: Energy minister Chris Bowen’s boost to the Capacity investment Scheme (CIS) is a game-changer, expanding federal investment to underwrite a massive target of 32GW of new storage and renewable infrastructure, a huge step-change in national decarbonisation ambition and to be roundly applauded. This is exactly the kind of bold, landmark federal policy and investment ambition we need to rapidly transform Australia’s energy market whilst ensuring grid reliability and restoring energy affordability. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 23, 2023

Is it really in the national interest to sell Origin to Brookfield?

The Australian Financial Review

Tim Buckley, director of Climate Energy Finance and former stockbroker, agrees with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission that the public benefit from Brookfield’s ambitious plan outweighs competition concerns raised by its ownership of Victorian poles and wires business AusNet Services. “At the end of the day, we do have an energy crisis, a cost of living crisis and a climate crisis. And all three of them can be solved by unlocking a huge amount of capital at speed and scale in alignment with building new capacity,” Buckley tells The Australian Financial Review. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 22, 2023

OPINION | Why Anthony Albanese should absolutely be at APEC in San Francisco

Canberra Times

CEF partner and advisory board member, Blair Palese, founder of the Climate Capital Forum, on how Prime Minister Anthony Albanese being on the ground at APEC shows that Australia wants to be at the table with the other alliance members as they navigate global decarbonisation, and that we are committed to working with our regional neighbours in the Indo-Pacific Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 19, 2023

OP ED | Big Super shouldn’t block Brookfield’s bid for Origin Energy

The Australian Financial Review

As Tim Buckley asks: What kind of game is AustralianSuper, the country’s biggest super fund, playing with Origin Energy? It is shaping up to scuttle a bid by Canadian fund manager Brookfield et al to acquire Australia’s largest power company, gentailer Origin Energy, and transition it to renewables and storage with a ~$30bn investment – a mammoth capital injection that will be transformative for Australian decarbonisation. What is AustralianSuper offering as its alternative plan? Higher electricity prices, slower decarbonisation and more climate destruction? If it kills the deal, will it step up and guarantee a $30bn commitment to decarbonising Origin? If not, why not? If it has no legitimate answer to these questions, it should get out of the way. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 17, 2023

OP ED | Australia faces a big challenge to hit green targets

The Australian

CEF partner and advisory board member, Blair Palese, founder of the Climate Capital Forum, makes a powerful case for Australia to step up its transition investment ambition ahead of COP and in light of the US Inflation Reduction Act. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 16, 2023

Australia at back of the pack on methane as China announces action plan

Renew Economy

Oped written by CEF’s China Energy Policy Analyst Xuyang Dong and Ember’s climate strategy advisor Chris Wright on China’s recent methane emissions reduction action plan. China’s recent methane action plan is a game-changer in the global effort to combat emissions. With commitments in its 2026-2030 Five-Year Plan, China is taking a lead in the methane reduction race. This announcement underscores Australia’s lag in implementing a clear methane action plan, despite being a significant emitter. As COP28 approaches, the diplomatic significance and China’s track record of exceeding targets highlight the urgent need for global methane reduction. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 2, 2023

VIDEO: The Drum Thursday 2 November

ABC TV The Drum

Tim Buckley told ABC TV that we need to find alternatives to our dig and ship model, eg. do more value-adding refining of our resources onshore. By doing so, Australia can help our trade partners by exporting embodied decarbonisation. Buckley also said Jim Chalmers’ major address on Australia’s green energy and energy transition materials opportunity was overly cautious, and Australia’s response to the IRA should be tailored by Australia’s context and the huge scale of opportunity we have here to lead the world. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 2, 2023

VIC SEC is back with $1 billion renewable target

FS Sustainability

Victoria’s State Electricity Commission (SEC) has been reintroduced in a move that is hoped will crowd-in investment into renewables in the state. Tim Buckley told FS Sustainability that some are concerned that public capital may crowd out private capital. “The key challenge that the SEC has to actually work to crowd in private capital,” Buckley said. “I think that risk is real, but it’s more than outweighed by the benefits to the people of Victoria.” He sees renewables as a “solution to the cost-of-living crisis, the energy crisis and the climate crisis… More competition means more supply and lower prices.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 2, 2023

Brookfield ups the ante on Origin by $1.2bn

FS Sustainability

Origin’s vertical integration business model is key to the Brookfield acquisition bid, according to Tim Buckley. He said that the retail and industrial client base was key to Brookfield both in the Origin bid and in the 2022 bid for AGL led by Mike Cannon-Brookes’ Grok Ventures and Brookfield. “All of this is predicated on the value of the retail customer base that Origin and AGL have,” Buckley noted. “That customer base is about vertical integration and industrial customers as well. “The key asset for Origin is they have the best retail technology platform in the world.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 27, 2023

Albanese’s pittance for critical minerals means Australia’s golden opportunity goes begging

Renew Economy

Our op ed on PM Albanese’s state visit to the US. While the visit was touted as a platform for major announcements on investment into an Australian response to the game-changing Inflation Reduction Act, there was a lot of talk, but only $2bn for Australian critical minerals – entirely insufficient relative to the scale of our opportunity to lead the world in processing of minerals onshore. Read our full analysis. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Oct 26, 2023

PM Albanese’s state visit to the US – report card.

Sky News

Tim Buckley wraps PM Albanese’s state visit to the US and the need for a more ambitious strategic public capital commitment to leverage the opportunities of the US IRA, noting the $2bn additional commitment to critical minerals announced is insufficient relative to our massive opportunity as the world’s #1 exporter of lithium and does not adequately respond to the scale and pace of global decarbonisation. Read more

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