AGL China Coal Critical minerals Decarbonisation Electricity/electrification Energy crisis Finance Sector & Emissions Green Iron/Steel Hydrogen India & Adani Nuclear offshore wind OP EDS Renewables Taxes and subsidies TIM BUCKLEY ON THE SPARK CLUB PODCAST US IRA/EU NZIA et al
How bank boards are exposed to fossil fuel influences
The Financial Times (UK)
OP ED | Victoria’s blackout crisis is rooted in a decade of Coalition Inaction
The Age
VIDEO | Tim Buckley breaks down the COALition’s campaign to kill renewables, aka Climate Wars 2.0
ABC TV News Channel
OP ED | Once again the Coalition is trying to wreck the joint rather than save it
The Sydney Morning Herald
BlueScope ‘old’ blast furnace grant slammed by experts
The Australian Financial Review
New report leads to closure of massive coal power plant: ‘No reason why the taxpayer should be on the hook’
NSW can achieve electricity reliability without coal
FS Sustainability
NSW set to steal energy transition spotlight
Lights to stay on if biggest ‘coal clunker’ powers down
Canberra Times
Heads I win, Tails you Lose: hand-outs for Australia’s biggest coal plant Eraring a smoking example of the folly of privatisation
Michael West Media
‘Even more confident’ Eraring will close in 2025: new energy report
The Newcastle Herald
AUDIO | Australia’s largest coal-fired power station can safely closely on time, think tank report says
ABC Radio National AM