Wind farm turbines on the water



CEF in the media  |  Jan 19, 2024

OP ED | Stick to the plan: Lights won’t go out when Eraring closes on schedule

Renew Economy

Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) quietly released the Energy Security Target Monitor Report it had delivered privately to NSW climate and energy minister Penny Sharpe in October, showing that Australia’s biggest coal power clunker, Eraring, can close on time and there will be no gap in electricity supply. OUr new report, released today – The Lights will Stay On – confirms this, as we map the brilliant momentum in the state on utility scale firmed renewables and consumer energy resources (CER). There is no case for paying hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to keep the ailing, polluting behemoth chugging on. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jan 4, 2024

Fossils in Arms: solar project slammed as white elephant, really a raging success

Michael West Media

On Tuesday this week, the Australian Financial Review went large with the story headlined, “How a big new solar farm became a stranded asset”. That evening, energy analyst Tim Buckley debunked the story on social media. This was not a stranded asset at all, Buckley pointed out. “Zero stranding … [financially] a brilliant success”. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jan 4, 2024

More than 100 workers laid off after Queensland coal miner New Wilkie Energy enters administration

ABC online

Energy analyst Tim Buckley from public interest think tank Climate Energy Finance said as New Wilkie Energy was a private company, the reasons for it entering administration were not clear. But he said it was likely significant costs for mining operations played a role in the company’s demise. “It’s using contractors, not employees, it probably doesn’t have a lot of capital,” Mr Buckley said. “It was hoping to get product out the door and sold in order to cash in on the very high current coal prices but with that comes a whole lot of risk.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 5, 2023

A game changer: Renewable energy targeted to triple by 2030


Tim Buckley of Climate Energy Finance reflects on the commitment by 118 countries to treble their renewable energy and double their energy efficiency by 2030, set out at COP28 summit. He points out that while this ambitious goal is set, much hinges on which year gets used as the baseline. Tim emphasises China’s efforts in increasing their installation rates of wind and solar energy solutions. He sees this pledge as a potential turning point. Read more
Media Releases  |  Nov 29, 2023

MEDIA RELEASE | New report: Chinese Energy Giants’ Investment Flows Supercharge Renewables Revolution in Response to 14th “Five Year Plan”


CEF’s China energy policy analyst, report lead author Xuyang Dong, tracked investment trends of China’s 5 top State Owned Enterprises, reviewing reporting disclosures and corporate data in the original Chinese. Xuyang Dong said: “China is decarbonising the world and the Chinese energy SOEs are playing a significant role in this process, as their massive capital expenditure pivot into renewables and cleantech shows. China’s ambition to lead the greening of the world is evident in its energy policies and climate goals, and reflected in energy SOEs’ capex trends, which highlight the possibility of China exceeding its energy goals. ” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 7, 2023

‘Extend’ Eraring, then bet big on rooftop solar and batteries

The Australian Financial Review

Tim Buckley has a menu of “no regrets” investments in renewables that NSW Energy Minister Sharpe and the Treasurer Mookhey should consider regardless of Eraring. They include: backing with front-loaded finance and accelerated planning approvals 1200MW of utility scale renewables and 1200MW of distributed (customer-owned) renewables each year until 2030; accelerating the rollout of rooftop solar and batteries in public housing and schools across NSW; accelerating the frequency and ambition of Renewable Energy Zones auctions; cajoling NSW transmission and distribution companies to use tech company Neara to identify existing spare grid capacity for new renewables to be plugged in (it reckons there’s room for 10,000MW); and accelerating electrification for rentals and behind-the-meter batteries. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 7, 2023

NSW raises coal royalties, adding $2.7b to future budget

PV Magazine

While the usual suspects, including the National Party, railed against the move, it has been welcomed by many in the clean energy industries, including think tank Climate Energy Finance (CEF). Its Director, Tim Buckley, said: “CEF prefers the Queensland government’s progressive royalty approach, which only applies in full less than once a decade or or even more infrequently, at times of coal export sector superprofits, but an increased share in NSW to guarantee a fairer return to public coffers is definitely a good start.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 6, 2023

Government says coal royalty increase will ensure a ‘fair return’

The Newcastle Herald

The director of the public interest think tank Climate Energy Finance, Tim Buckley, described the move as “politically courageous”. The think tank had been advocating for the introduction of a progressive coal royalty scheme, similar to what has been introduced in Queensland. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 6, 2023

NSW follows Queensland lead by hiking coal royalties for first time in 15 years


Climate Energy Finance founder Tim Buckley said the northern state ran the preferred model, which delivered major windfalls at times of high prices while easing pressure on producers when prices were low. “(We have) long been calling for a progressive NSW coal royalty scheme to generate revenues for alleviation of cost-of-living pressures and energy poverty in the state, following the leadership of Queensland,” he said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 6, 2023

NSW Government in talks to extend life of Eraring coal plant

Power Technology

The New South Wales (NSW) State Government has entered talks with Origin Energy to discuss extending the life of Australia’s largest coal-fired power station. The move comes after the nation’s grid operator flagged concerns of energy shortfalls over the next ten years as it retires 62% of its coal power fleet. Tim Buckley, director at the think tank Climate Energy Finance, was critical of the proposals for the Eraring plant stating: “The idea that a 50-year-old plant can just be extended without serious risk of catastrophic failure is ridiculous.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 6, 2023

About time: NSW hailed for finally hiking coal royalties to raise $2.7bn

Renew Economy

Climate Energy Finance director Tim Buckley prefers Queensland’s progressive approach over the flat NSW tax as it allows the government to participate in periods of super profits. “But an increased share in NSW to guarantee a fairer return to public coffers is definitely a good start,” he said. “The previous flat 6-8 per cent coal export royalty rate in NSW was long overdue for review and uplift. “It is imperative that the revenue generated is not used to subsidise the continued operation of coal power in the state, including the end-of-life Eraring coal power station due for closure in 2025, but applied to reduce cost of living pressures and support essential services, as per the government’s commitments made today.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Sep 6, 2023

Billions to bolster NSW budget with coal tax hike


Climate Energy Finance founder Tim Buckley said the northern state ran the preferred model, which delivered major windfalls at times of high prices while easing pressure on producers when prices were low. “(We have) long been calling for a progressive NSW coal royalty scheme to generate revenues for alleviation of cost-of-living pressures and energy poverty in the state, following the leadership of Queensland,” he said. Read more

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