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Reports and Analysis |  |  Aug 31, 2023

FY2023 Commonwealth Bank Australia (CBA) Climate Finance Assessment

In an Australian first, the Commonwealth Bank (CBA) – Australia’s biggest mortgage lender with over 25% of the market – has established a 60% emissions intensity reduction target on its mortgage book by 2030. This is a good start aided strongly by efforts to decarbonise the power grid, but also through policy advocacy and a future focus on customer engagement which we look forward to more details on. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Aug 31, 2023

OP ED | Aemo Confirms Any Reliability Risks To Electricity Supply Can Be Offset By Expediting New Renewables, Transmission, Storage & Orchestration

As Tim Buckley writes, AEMO’s new 10 year outlook shows expedited approvals of renewables, storage and transmission can offset any reliability risks to electricity supply. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Aug 30, 2023

OP ED | Intergenerational Report: Opportunity Remains To Mobilise Super For Net-Zero Transformation 

CEF Special Advisor Paul Oosting looks at Australia’s opportunity to reform superannuation benchmarks to support investment in energy transition in light of last week’s release of the Intergenerational Report by Treasurer Jim Chalmers. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Aug 24, 2023

MONTHLY CHINA ENERGY UPDATE | China Continues to Massively Scale Up Renewables while adding Thermal Power

Not only was it another near record month of 22GW of wind and solar added for July 2023, but it was also another month of 6.3GW of new coal power plants in China. National electricity demand grew 5.0% y-o-y, and hydropower generation continued to decline. Even with strong wind and solar growth, coal power generation continues to grow at above market growth rates of +7.9% y-o-y in July. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Aug 22, 2023

JOINT STATEMENT | DELAYING ERARING CLOSURE DELAYS OUR CLEAN ENERGY TRANSITION. Delays will cost consumers, build the climate crisis, and undermine investor certainty

A joint statement with the Clean Energy Investor Group, Smart Energy Council and Nexa Advisory responding to news that the NSW government’s electricity review will recommend delaying the 2025 closure of the Eraring coal power station, Australia’s largest. Read more

Presentations |  |  Aug 21, 2023

PRESENTATION | Altius Sustainability Committee – Renewable Energy and Critical Minerals Superpower

Tim Buckley’s presentation to the Altius Sustainability Advisory Committee maps the accelerating global energy transition and Australia’s opportunity Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Aug 16, 2023

The US IRA one year on: a quickstart guide to how Australia should respond

Tim Buckley of CEF and Blair Palese, founder of the Climate Capital Forum, review the key impacts of the game changing US Inflation Reduction Act, which is turbocharging the green transition, one year after its introduction, and set out the 5 key things Australia should to respond and leverage our huge opportunities renewables powered processing of world leading critical minerals and energy transition materials. Read more

Presentations |  |  Aug 15, 2023

PRESENTATION | Renewable Energy Superpower: Beyond the Rhetoric

Tim Buckley’s presentation to the ALP National Conference in Brisbane, its key policy endorsement forum, sets out the challenge the US Inflation Reduction Act poses to Australia as it turbocharges US and global decarbonisation, and sets out what Australia need to do to urgently respond. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Aug 11, 2023

CBA’s oil and gas policy ratchets up shift of finance away from fossil fuels and meets the minimum global standard

CBA released a landmark fossil fuel financing policy that rules out project finance for new (greenfield) oil and gas (O&G) extraction and for expansions of existing (brownfield) O&G extraction. CBA will also require fossil fuel clients to commit to verifiable transition plans by 2025 encompassing Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and aligned to a Paris Agreement “well below 2 degrees” pathway. Read more

Presentations |  |  Aug 4, 2023

PRESENTATION | The global energy transition

Tim Buckley’s presentation to GMR Energy, a leading independent developer of energy storage assets in Australia, and a portfolio company of Gaw Capital Partners, an international private equity and asset manager with over US$36 billion under management. Read more

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