AGL China Coal Critical minerals Decarbonisation Electricity/electrification Energy crisis Finance Sector & Emissions Green Iron/Steel Hydrogen India & Adani Nuclear offshore wind OP EDS Renewables Taxes and subsidies TIM BUCKLEY ON THE SPARK CLUB PODCAST US IRA/EU NZIA et al
OP ED #1 CRITICAL MINERALS | More than a quarry: The growing investment into value-adding critical minerals mining in Australia
Renew Economy
Tim Buckley on why fossil fuel producers should pay a $300 billion windfall super profits tax
ABC TV The Business
The astonishing gas crisis in Australia
Les Echos, France
OP ED | When the finance moves get out of the way: How capital is driving the transition to net zero
The New Daily
The world’s third richest man sells a green dream based on coal
‘Deflationary’ wind farms inflating these stocks
The Australian
NSW government’s commitment to pumped hydro storage, ABC Illawarra
ABC Radio
Government pumps $44m into hydro projects to plug energy gaps
Sydney Morning Herald
Got gas: Do super profits call for super taxes?
OP ED | Moving beyond 82% RE by 2030 needs pumped hydro investment now
Renew Economy
Huge profits for fossil-fuel giants Woodside and Santos stoke calls for windfall tax
The Guardian
The problems with Snowy Hydro
ABC NewsRadio