Wind farm turbines on the water


CEF in the media  |  Nov 26, 2022

Is Australia’s clean coal a misnomer?


Tim Buckley comments for German and Swiss media on the Australian coal quality certificate falsification scandal, noting that while the allegations are valid, the offences are not easy to prove as the coal industry had acted skilfully, with data only slightly changed and direct bribes avoided. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 25, 2022

Victoria’s election is a referendum on fossil fuels vs deflationary renewables

Renew Economy

In this op ed one day ahead of the Victorian election, Tim Buckley notes that the Labor government has ambitious new policies that will put Victoria in a world-leading position of 95% RE and 80% emissions reduction by 2035, driving lower electricity prices, gas substitution and decarbonisation. The LNP targets 50% emissions reduction by 2030, but with no policies to deliver on this – and a commitment to turbocharging gas, which will drive the climate crisis and do nothing to address the price crisis. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 24, 2022

Japanese ambassador takes ‘highly unusual’ campaign against Queensland coal royalty hike to mining forum

The Guardian

Tim Buckley says that QLD’s new tiered coal royalty regime structured to capture windfall profits will net $6.4bn more this FY than under the state’s previous royalty regime, while coalminers would still get 80% of QLD’s coal export bonanza – up to $62bn in revenue and record profits of more than $30bn before interest and corporate tax – making the industry campaign against the regime hot air. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 23, 2022

Does Australia have the stomach to become a critical minerals superpower?

PV Magazine

Tim Buckley comments that public opposition has the potential to undercut the burgeoning critical minerals industry unless governments enforce “sensible regulations” early, including recycling, processing facility efficiency and carbon standards and pollution. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 21, 2022

Wilkie alleges coal exporters have been lying about how clean their product is

ABC Radio National PM

Tim Buckley speaks to the scale and significance of the coal export over-invoicing scam, noting it’s been going on for 13 years, and affects billions of tonnes of coal and potentially a trillion dollars worth of exports to our most valued trading partners including Japan, South Korea, China and India. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 21, 2022

Wilkie calls out Australia “clean coal scam” that puts country’s reputation at stake

Renew Economy

Tim Buckley, who has studied the allegations over the last two years, said the coal testing scam which falsifies coal quality documentation was a significant issue for Australia, and could affect exports in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 19, 2022

Inside Mike Cannon-Brookes AGL coup

The Saturday Paper

Tim Buckley said, “Shareholders lost $10 billion of wealth as a result of [the previous leadership’s] failing to realise the magnitude of change that was coming and act on the climate science”. The AGM coup is “a win for the rejuvenation of AGL. We now have the board majority with a very clear mandate to actually work on behalf of all shareholders.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 18, 2022

Gas well methane leaks a ‘huge’ environmental and economic issue, BP’s Bernard Looney says

ABC online

“Tim Buckley, a prominent renewable energy advocate said the importance of preventing methane emissions should not be underestimated. ‘It is literally a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions every year’.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 17, 2022

Can a country live on renewable energy alone?


In this feature on BBC World Service’s Inquiry program, Tim Buckley is one of four world-leading experts invited to answer the question ‘Can a country live on renewable energy alone?’ Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 16, 2022

ADB’s plant retirement plan asks investors to back coal now to ditch it later


Tim Buckley says the Asian Development Bank’s plan to retire coal plants early, assuming the deployment of replacement firmed renewables capacity, “is an excellent first example of how the developed world can help finance decarbonisation of energy in emerging markets whilst also ensuring energy security and reliability” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 15, 2022

AGL AGM: a victory for impact investors resets company for zero carbon future

ABC NewsRadio

Tim Buckley in an extended interview on the reform of the board at AGL’s AGM – where strategic impact investors used their shareholder muscle to force board renewal and change in the form of the first ever, long overdue Transition Action Plan from Australia’s biggest fossil. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Nov 15, 2022

Rejuvenation of AGL board a clear mandate to act now on climate and decarbonisation

ABC TV News Channel

Tim Buckley gives the first analysis on ABC TV News Channel of the landmark shift today that saw 4 independent directors elected to the AGL board, heralding a dramatic acceleration of our #1 carbon polluter’s decarbonisation – including a mandate to end coal power by 2035 with a planned transition that rapidly upscales investment in firmed renewables and looks after workers. Read more

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