Wind farm turbines on the water


CEF in the media  |  Dec 18, 2022

Forward Power Pricing Drops In Australia In Response To Government Action

Clean Technica

Tim Buckley on the response by Woodside, Shell and Santos to the federal gas price caps and mandatory code of conduct: “In the last few days the gas lobby has shown that it is determined to ensure that nothing will get in its way as it plunders our sovereign public assets to line its own pockets.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 17, 2022

Energy price caps a rare blow to fossil fuel giants

The Saturday Paper

As Woodside and Shell pause negotiations to supply east coast gas in 2023 and 2024, kicking and screaming against the federal government’s necessary and reasonable energy price relief bill, Tim Buckley notes “That is a supply strike – overtly withdrawing capacity from the market. And Woodside doing it, knowing that Shell’s doing it, is collusion”. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 17, 2022

Australia was always bullied by vested interests, until now

Sydney Morning Herald

As political and international editor Peter Hartcher notes in his weekly SMH column, the Albanese government has called the gas giants’ bluff, quoting Tim Buckley’s comment that the 50% drop in forward wholesale power prices in NSW and QLD is a staggering endorsement of the government’s efforts. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 17, 2022

OP ED | Why it’s time to switch off the gaslighting fossil fuel industry

Canberra Times

Our op ed on the federal government’s landmark energy price relief bill that the puts price-gouging, planet-destroying, energy security-threatening, colluding fossil fuel industry in their place, as the market responds with an emphatic endorsement, dropping forward electricity prices in NSW and QLD by ~50%. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 16, 2022

Labor passes energy price bill

Sky News

Tim Buckley on Sky Regional Breakfast discussing the unprecedented but necessary intervention by the federal government in the energy market, which responds to a clear market failure by protecting Australians from the war-profiteering, price-gouging gas cartel. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 16, 2022

Crazy Power Wars Down Under

Clean Technica

In this article on the federal government’s energy price relief bill which imposes a wholesale price cap on coal and gas to the vociferous protests of the fossil fuel industry, Tim Buckley notes that “In the last few days the gas lobby has shown that it is determined to ensure that nothing will get in its way as it plunders our sovereign public assets to line its own pockets.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 15, 2022

Electricity prices plunge as Greens hail cap and “beginning of the end of gas”

Renew Economy

Tim Buckley welcomes the entirely necessary market intervention by the federal government in the form of its successful energy price relief bill to counter the fossil fuel bill shock inflicted by the fossil fuel industry on Australians Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 15, 2022

OP ED | India needs a doubling of installs to deliver on PM Modi’s 450 GW by 2030 ambiti ..

Economic Times/Energy World

In this op ed, Tim Buckley notes that while new renewable energy proposals have lifted in recent months, a lot more ambition is required to reach PM Modi’s target of 450GW of installs by 2030. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 15, 2022

Wholesale power prices down 50pc

The Australian Financial Review

Tim Buckley describes the halving of forward prices for wholesale power in NSW and QLD as “a staggering real-time endorsement of the government’s efforts” to rein in prices. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 15, 2022

Threat of energy price cap already working


In this story across 100+ mastheads on AAP, Tim Buckley says the 50% drop in forward pricing of wholesale electricity in NSW and QLD in the first quarter of 2023 shows the market had already endorsed the federal government’s price relief plan. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 15, 2022

Crossbenchers urge long term energy action

Canberra Times

Tim Buckley comments in this story in Canberra Times and 100+ mastheads on the federal government’s energy price relief plan, noting that only when we cut ties with the rapacious fossil fuel industry will we be free to harness our plentiful, low-cost clean energy, and the enormous benefits of this once in a century transformation Read more
CEF in the media  |  Dec 15, 2022

Energy price relief plan to limit bill blowout

ABC Radio

Tim Buckley is interviewed on ABC Radio Sydney about the federal government’s necessary energy market intervention that will see it cap wholesales prices of coal and gas and rebate power bills – noting that the forward electricity market in NSW and QLD has already endorsed the government’s plan by pricing in a 50% reduction in wholesale prices for the first quarter of calendar year 2023. Read more

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