Wind farm turbines on the water


CEF in the media  |  May 10, 2023

Budget lacks sufficient ambition to leverage the once in a century decarbonisation


Tim Buckley in an extensive interview on AusBiz discusses the good, the bad and the ugly in the 2023/24 Federal Budget Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 9, 2023

Weekly data: how Adani lost its green credentials

Energy Monitor

Tim Buckley notes that Adani is “investing far more in new fossil fuel projects than in zero emissions alternatives”, it is “undermining its ESG claims to be the green energy champion of India”; and that a silver lining of Hindenburg’s report is that “India may see the folly of pursuing an expensive imported fossil fuel expansion plan that increases India’s energy security risks”. Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 8, 2023

Labor’s changes to gas tax will deliver little if any extra revenue, analysts say

The Guardian

Tim Buckley says the federal government’s marginal budget reforms to the PRRT are a massive missed opportunity: “Those deductions that don’t get allowed this year just get delayed,” Buckley said. “It’s absolutely a pull forward … it might be no increase at all” in total revenue. Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 7, 2023

Budget 2023/24 preview – what can we expect?

Sky News

Tim Buckley previews the Federal Budget, including mooted PRRT reforms, and calls for a fiscal approach that responds to the scale and challenge of the energy transition and global policy developments, including the game-changing trillion dollar Inflation Reduction Act in the US. Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 5, 2023

At last we’ve got a Net Zero Authority

Fifth Estate

Tim Buckley says the national Net Zero Authority is a key piece of policy and administration architecture to support and accelerate Australia’s decarbonisation pathway while looking after workers’ and communities’ interests. Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 5, 2023

“About time:” Net Zero Authority to guide just transition from fossils to renewables

Renew Economy

Tim Buckley says a national transition authority is exactly what Australia needs to ensure the national interest is at the heart of energy and climate policy framework. Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 5, 2023

Investors welcome New National Net Zero Authority

FS Sustainability

Tim Buckley: “The national transition authority will be really important in ensuring Australia’s workforce and communities are best placed to pivot from the fossil fuel focussed industries from the past to the clean energy and critical minerals and value adding opportunities of the future.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 3, 2023

OP ED | Penny Wong: Rebuilding World Orders with Australian Multiculturalism


China Energy Policy Analyst Xuyang Dong argues: “Australia is being remade into an active and helpful middle power in its region with its own agency, constructively and strategically navigating its presence in the geopolitics of growing China-US rivalry.” Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 3, 2023

Is Snowy Hydro 2.0 worth cost and delays?

ABC Radio National PM

As the cost and timeline of Australia’s biggest renewable energy project, Snowy Hydro, blows out further, Tim Buckley says long duration storage is a critical part of enduring grid reliability. As we see a massive boom in battery installs for short to medium duration storage, absent Snowy Hydro we are going to have to find other solutions to meet our long duration storage needs. Read more
CEF in the media  |  May 1, 2023

Australia closes oldest coal power plant in pivot to renewables

The Australian

Drenched in sunshine and blessed with windswept coasts, Australia has the natural ingredients to be a renewable energy superpower, Tim Buckley told AFP in this story in The Australian that was syndicated internationally to Al Jazeera, France24 and elsewhere. “Every bloody week there’s a new battery announced, or a new wind farm, or other major projects proceeding.” The tricky part, he added, would be figuring out how to store this energy and pump it across Australia’s vast distances. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Apr 26, 2023

Lithium might be down but it’s far from out


What’s happening in the global lithium space? Climate Energy Finance director Tim Buckley explains in detail, including the growing geo-political interest in processed lithium. He affirms growth trends for lithium suppliers and producers, despite short term price weakness. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Apr 26, 2023

Adani’s Billionaire Brother Starts to Retreat as Scrutiny Builds


Bloomberg looks at Vinod Adani, Gautam’s brother and a key figure in the family empire, who has cut ties with companies linked to the Carmichael project. Tim Buckley, who’s observed the conglomerate for years, said it seems like a “logical house-cleaning” to distance Vinod from the Adani empire. Read more

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