AGL China Coal Critical minerals Decarbonisation Electricity/electrification Energy crisis Finance Sector & Emissions Green Iron/Steel Hydrogen India & Adani Nuclear offshore wind OP EDS Renewables Taxes and subsidies TIM BUCKLEY ON THE SPARK CLUB PODCAST US IRA/EU NZIA et al
Is Snowy Hydro 2.0 worth cost and delays?
ABC Radio National PM
Australia closes oldest coal power plant in pivot to renewables
The Australian
Lithium might be down but it’s far from out
Adani’s Billionaire Brother Starts to Retreat as Scrutiny Builds
NBN turns to micro wind turbines in search for power for remote sites
Renew Economy
Australia’s Woodside Could Face А$63B Carbon Gas Bill By 2050 – Report
Carbon Herald
The science is clear: gas is a dangerous fossil fuel and the more we burn the worse climate change will become
ABC NewsRadio
Woodside Energy faces billions in liability costs thanks to Safeguard Mechanism, as AGM climate revolt looms
Carbon Pulse
Woodside CEO, Meg O’Neill, address to the National Press Club of Australia
Woodside’s carbon bill from new gas fields could hit $63bn by 2050, report says
Renew Economy
‘Extremism is not the answer’ when it comes to decarbonisation, says Woodside chief
The Guardian
Browse LNG becomes flashpoint for Japan’s worries on gas
The Australian Financial Review