AGL China Coal Critical minerals Decarbonisation Electricity/electrification Energy crisis Finance Sector & Emissions Green Iron/Steel Hydrogen India & Adani Nuclear offshore wind OP EDS Renewables Taxes and subsidies TIM BUCKLEY ON THE SPARK CLUB PODCAST US IRA/EU NZIA et al
OP ED | Massive Victoria blackout underlines need to accelerate transition to firmed renewables
Renew Economy
OP ED | Victoria’s blackout crisis is rooted in a decade of Coalition Inaction
The Age
Wind or sun, coal or nuclear; we need a stronger grid and a better debate
The Sydney Morning Herald
Downed Vic power lines spark debate
PV Magazine
Analyst calls for major improvements to Victorian grid resilience
ABC Radio
Why is AGL’s profit soaring as millions of Australians struggle to afford their power bills?
OP ED | A circuit breaker to give us clear air on heated wind debate
The Newcastle Herald
VIDEO | Tim Buckley breaks down the COALition’s campaign to kill renewables, aka Climate Wars 2.0
ABC TV News Channel
OP ED | Once again the Coalition is trying to wreck the joint rather than save it
The Sydney Morning Herald
Are energy giants to blame for abnormally high price inflation?