Wind farm turbines on the water


CEF in the media  |  Jun 19, 2024

‘Raises red flags’: Coalition nuclear power plan met with widespread scepticism from business groups

The Guardian

Tim Buckley, director of think tank Climate Energy Finance, said Australians would be paying “a multi-billion dollar ‘nukebuilder’ tax for generations to come by being forced to front the cash for a national buildout of government-owned nuclear reactors”. “Electricity prices would skyrocket as private investment in new replacement capacity is crowded out, resulting in undersupply for the next 15-25 years while we wait for the LNP’s nuclear white elephants to arrive,” Buckley said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 19, 2024

VIDEO | Australia needs bipartisan support for nuclear power plants and there is no sign of it | Samantha Maiden

News Corp papers

Syndicated in News Corp state based mastheads across Australia – Climate Energy Finance Director Tim Buckley says Opposition leader Peter Dutton’s plan to use nuclear energy is “financially illogical”. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 19, 2024

Nuclear ‘financially illogical’ and about ‘climate wars’

The Australian

Director of think tank Climate Energy Finance Tim Buckley says nuclear is “financially illogical” and is about extending “climate wars”. Mr Buckley told Sky News the proposed plan announced today does little to address the current climate challenges, and the infrastructure delivery plan is not commercially viable. “We have no nuclear capacity in Australia,” he said. “We don’t have the workforce, and we can’t afford the 20+ year delay (opposition leader) Peter Dutton is proposing today.” {scroll down to 4:06pm post at link). Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 19, 2024

VIDEO | Dutton’s plan to use nuclear energy is ‘financially illogical’

Sky News

Tim Buckley takes a deep dive into the LNP’s nuclear energy ‘policy’ on Sky Afternoon Agenda with Ashleigh Gillion detailing why it makes zero sense here, including that it’s uninvestable, meaning the taxpayer will be gouged billions to bankroll it, the energy produced is too expensive at double the coast of renewables and it would be too late, with first operation not until 2040 at the earliest – and when firmed renewables provide an available least cost solution to our energy and climate crises. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 18, 2024

Australian Opposition Details Plan For Nuclear Rollout If Elected


Syndicated globally via AFP – Australia’s conservative opposition will build nuclear power plants across the country if it wins the next election, according to plans detailed Wednesday that have reignited debate over climate policy. Opposition leader Peter Dutton said he would overturn a 26-year nuclear ban to build seven government-owned reactors on the sites of ageing coal-fired power stations.Climate finance expert Tim Buckley said nuclear power in Australia was “impossible”. “The idea that nuclear could be up and running in 2035-37 is fanciful, and even that is too late given our concurrent climate and energy crises,” he said. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 17, 2024

VIDEO: Will business invest in a new Australian nuclear power industry?

ABC TV The Business

As Tim Buckley says on ABC TV’s The Business, nuclear is the most expensive option for Australia and the technology in the Australian context is entirely unproven – notwithstanding the claims to the contrary by the Coalition. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 17, 2024

Energy experts and investors say the Coalition’s nuclear plan is ‘virtually impossible’ without taxpayer funding

ABC online

The biggest problem of nuclear energy is “the technology in the Australian context is entirely unproven”, according to Climate Energy Finance director Tim Buckley, “We don’t have any of the supply chains, any of the labour, skilled workforce or knowledge to actually do it,” he said. He said it was “impossible” for any private investor (without taxpayer subsidies) to take on the risk of building a nuclear power plant. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 14, 2024

OP ED | How Southeast Asia’s solar industry can shine in face of US tariff threat

South China Morning Post

CEF’S Xuyang Dong and Dr. Muyi Yang – Senior Policy Analyst from Ember and senior policy fellow at Asia Society Australia – published an oped in South China Morning Post on the challenges faced by Southeast Asia, now the world’s second-largest solar module producer, from potential US tariffs. With a production capacity of 70 GW by 2022, the region supplies a significant portion of US solar imports, particularly from Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. Despite geopolitical tensions and increasing protectionism, Southeast Asia can leverage its strong domestic market to maintain growth. The region’s GDP was $3.8 trillion in 2023, with projected 4.6% growth in 2024. To achieve carbon neutrality by mid-century, the region needs to expand its solar capacity to over 2,100GW by 2050. By accelerating its clean energy transition, Southeast Asia can not only counter the impact of trade tensions and barriers, but also enhance energy security, attract investment, and promote sustainable economic development. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 12, 2024

OP ED | We need to talk about renewable energy projects

Canberra Times

Offshore wind can play a significant role in supporting our industrial and energy security needs. With its greater reliability and consistent supply, it can be an essential component of our future economic security through the Future Made in Australia Act. Leaders from Australia’s offshore wind sector and Climate Capital Forum members, Amy Boersma, Satya Tanner and Naomi Campbell comment on how effective and efficient planning processes, with the right checks and balances are key to project success. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 11, 2024

Does ‘Green Steel’ threaten our coal exports?


The coal industry tells us that the outlook for Australian metallurgical coal – most of which comes from Queensland – is bright. Coal miners even link demand for met coal with the transition to renewable energy, insisting that that met coal is essential to make steel and, therefore, to make wind turbines. Simon Nicholas, joined by fellow financial analyst Tim Buckley, will be in conversation with InQueensland writer John McCarthy about the future demand for metallurgical coal at a FREE EVENT in Brisbane on 1st July. Simon will also speak at similar events in Rockhampton on July 3rd and Mackay on July 4th. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 9, 2024

Saudi Aramco prices stock offer at low end of range in $11.2bn sale

The Financial Times (UK)

Saudi Arabia has sold $11.2bn of shares in Saudi Aramco, short of the maximum sum the world’s largest oil company could have raised in a deal that was designed to win over international investors. “Investing in Saudi Aramco strengthens the strategic partnership between China and Saudi Arabia, allowing Chinese investors to access the broader Middle Eastern market,” said Xuyang Dong, a specialist on China’s energy sector at Climate Energy Finance, an Australian think-tank. Read more
CEF in the media  |  Jun 7, 2024

Australia warily welcomes green subsidy race

The Financial Times (UK)

In fDi Intelligence, part of the FT, Tim Buckley reflects on the impacts of the US IRA and Australia’s Future Made in Australia Act: “We were increasingly hearing companies saying, ‘we’ll put our Australian decarbonisation project on hold, because the US government’s throwing hundreds of millions of dollars of subsidies at each project,” says Tim Buckley, founder of local think tank Climate Energy Finance. He points to local resources giant Fortescue last year pledging $550m towards a green hydrogen project in Arizona compared with $50m towards a green iron project in Australia. Climate Energy Finance is among industry bodies calling on the government to offer a total of A$100bn in green incentives to compete with the US. If the government is re-elected next year, Mr Buckley expects “significantly more money allocated” to FMIA.” Read more

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