• Jul, 2024 CEF in the media


    Tim Buckley on ABC News | China is installing record amounts of solar and wind

    Tim Buckley on ABC News: China is installing record amounts of solar and wind, and is building a modern and flexible power system at world-leading speed and scale. Read more
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  • Jul, 2024 CEF in the media


    Fortescue green hydrogen partnership with AGL at former Liddell coal power station mothballed

    Multinational metals giant Fortescue has confirmed it has put green hydrogen plans for the NSW Upper Hunter on the backburner. Director of energy industry think tank Climate Energy Finance, Tim Buckley, said he understood why FFI had backed away from the Liddell idea after conducting the feasibility study. He said Mr Forrest was ambitious in thinking the project, and other FFI green hydrogen projects, could take off so quickly. Mr Buckley said the technology for green hydrogen was still lagging behind in many respects, especially in the large cost of exporting hydrogen from Australia to the world. “[The technology] is yet to be commercialised, and I say that in terms of production but more importantly in terms of international transportation,” he said. “The cost of the transportation is prohibitive and it’s in fact not even commercially viable at this point in time, and won’t be for another decade.” Read more
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  • Jul, 2024 Media Releases

    Tim Buckley on NSW Country Hour | Fortescue future industry pulled out of green energy hub deal

    Fortescue put green hydrogen partnership with AGL at former Liddell coal power station on the back-burner. Tim Buckley told Michael Condon on ABC NSW Country Hour that Twiggy Forest has scaled back his green energy ambition, and focus on WA and the Pilbara, getting the technology right first before expanding its other parts of Australia. Read more
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  • Jul, 2024 CEF in the media


    China adds wind, solar power equal to five nuclear plants weekly

    [On THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE]: A report by Sydney-based think tank Climate Energy Finance (CEF) said China was installing renewables so rapidly it would meet its end-of-2030 target by the end of this month — or 6.5 years early. China accounts for about a third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. A recent drop in emissions (the first since relaxing COVID-19 restrictions), combined with the decarbonisation of the power grid, may mean the country’s emissions have peaked. “With the power sector going green, emissions are set to plateau and then progressively fall towards 2030 and beyond,” CEF China energy policy analyst Xuyang Dong said. Read more
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  • Jul, 2024 CEF in the media


    China is installing the wind and solar equivalent of five large nuclear power stations per week

    China is installing record amounts of solar and wind, while scaling back once-ambitious plans for nuclear. “We’ve seen America under President Biden throw a trillion dollars on the table [for clean energy],” CEF director Tim Buckley said. “China’s response to that has been to double down and go twice as fast.” “With the power sector going green, emissions are set to plateau and then progressively fall towards 2030 and beyond,” CEF China energy policy analyst Xuyang Dong said. Read more
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  • Jul, 2024 CEF in the media


    ‘It’s good news’: Scientists suspect history about to be made in China

    Last month, Australia’s Smart Energy Council took a delegation to China to visit renewable factories and the Shanghai New Energy Conference, an event that drew half a million delegates. The group visited an EV manufacturer and saw two lines of production, each spitting out a completed EV every 36 seconds. The SEC’s delegation including Tim Buckley, founder of Climate Energy Finance, a renewable energy consultancy, speaks of standing in a solar module manufacturing factory owned by TW Solar and gazing down a long corridor, unable to make out its end in the distance. “I saw a long wall, half a kilometre long, of manufacturing lines and not a worker in sight. It was all robots.” Read more
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  • Jul, 2024 CEF in the media


    Gridlock in China: spending on network surges to support green energy transition

    Beijing rolls out huge investment to upgrade transmission system as shift from coal piles pressure on creaking grid. “The current level of spending is not catching up with how fast China’s solar and wind new capacity additions are growing,” said Xuyang Dong, a China energy analyst at think-tank Climate Energy Finance. Power needed for artificial intelligence, data centres and electric vehicles are accelerating a longer-term rise in electricity’s share of energy use — up from 12 per cent in 2006 to 19 per cent in 2023, Dong noted. Read more
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  • Jul, 2024 CEF in the media


    China’s great green march: Meeting 2030 energy target over 5 years early boosts climate fight

    On Straits Times: By the end of July, China is predicted to reach a 2030 target to install 1,200 gigawatts (GW) of wind and solar capacity, said a forecast by Climate Energy Finance (CEF), a Sydney-based think-tank, on July 2. Given the scale and impact of everything China does, achieving the 1,200GW target will act like a gravitational pull, said Ms Xuyang Dong, a China energy policy analyst at CEF and the report’s lead author. “It will incentivise other great powers to go faster in this global technology and investment race-to-the-top renewable energy competition, which will be good news for the world,” she told ST. Read more
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  • Jul, 2024 CEF in the media


    China’s green energy boom is stressing the grid – and sparking new currents in power reform

    As China rapidly shifts its energy mix to new sources of power like wind and solar, its electricity grid is struggling to keep up – can deep reforms help rewire the system? Due to China’s electrification of seemingly everything – in particular, an explosion in the manufacture, export and adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) – as well as its quest to maintain economic growth, the country added 9.2 gigawatts of new thermal power capacity to the grid in the first four months of the year, while its thermal power generation increased 5.9 per cent year-on-year, according to Dong Xuyang, China energy policy analyst at Climate Energy Finance. “Given increasing electricity demand, it is critical for China to reform the power system to sustainably lower wind and solar curtailment rates, increase zero-emissions power plant utilisation rates, reform the energy trading system and improve grid connectivity ….to decouple from the need for thermal power as a backup resource to ensure energy security,” said Dong of the Sydney-based think tank. Read more
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  • Jun, 2024 CEF in the media


    OP ED | Warmer ties could cool the planet: potential for Australia-China green energy collaboration

    Republished on Pearls & Irritations: Australia and China’s improving diplomatic relationship, highlighted by recent high-level meetings and record trade, presents significant opportunities for green energy collaboration. With China facing overcapacity in solar panels, batteries, and electric vehicles, Australia stands to benefit from redirected Chinese investments. By leveraging its abundant renewable resources and enhancing critical mineral processing, Australia can become a more appealing supplier, particularly in the wake of global trade tensions. Read more
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  • Jun, 2024 CEF in the media


    Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan could be very costly or cheaper than renewables, depending on who you talk to

    In The Nightly: Peter Dutton’s plan to turn Australia nuclear by 2050 could carry a price tag of $100 billion, according to experts opposed to his proposal while others argue the energy source will provide “low-cost solutions” for customers. Climate Energy Finance director Tim Buckley said he was of the view the CSIRO had been conservative, suggesting Australian taxpayers were likely to be hit with a minimum $80b to $100b in capital costs for the entire project. Read more
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  • Jun, 2024 CEF in the media

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    OP ED | How Southeast Asia’s solar industry can shine in face of US tariff threat

    CEF’S Xuyang Dong and Dr. Muyi Yang – Senior Policy Analyst from Ember and senior policy fellow at Asia Society Australia – published an oped in South China Morning Post on the challenges faced by Southeast Asia, now the world’s second-largest solar module producer, from potential US tariffs. With a production capacity of 70 GW by 2022, the region supplies a significant portion of US solar imports, particularly from Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. Despite geopolitical tensions and increasing protectionism, Southeast Asia can leverage its strong domestic market to maintain growth. The region’s GDP was $3.8 trillion in 2023, with projected 4.6% growth in 2024. To achieve carbon neutrality by mid-century, the region needs to expand its solar capacity to over 2,100GW by 2050. By accelerating its clean energy transition, Southeast Asia can not only counter the impact of trade tensions and barriers, but also enhance energy security, attract investment, and promote sustainable economic development. Read more
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