Tim Buckley: “While China leads the world in coal use, it also leads in wind and solar, EV production, batteries, hydro, nuclear, heat pumps, grid transmission and distribution, green hydrogen – every zero-emissions technology today.”
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As Tim Buckley writes, in the face of a global and domestic energy crisis of shortages and hyperinflation in all fossil fuel commodities, the AGL leadership farce continues.
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“A leading environmental and economic think tank is calling for urgent fossil fuel tax reforms that could add hundreds of billions to government coffers, accelerate decarbonisation, and even help to fix the current energy market crisis.”
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The Hunter region could be a major beneficiary from an improved fossil fuel tax and royalty regime, as Tim Buckley discusses in this interview
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CEF report shows coal royalties could increase 400% this year with a progressive tax regime, leaving billions more to support communities undergoing energy transition.
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Tim Buckley writes that China should be applauded for its sustained investment in lower emissions technologies, as it leads the world in EV sales, wind and solar installs and green hydrogen.
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Tim Buckley outlines the triggers of the energy crisis such as the regulatory failure that has lumbered east cost consumers with export parity prices – and key solutions.
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