Reports and Analysis
Analysis | QLD Battery Industry Strategy Positions Sunshine State as Cleantech Leader – Time for State and Federal Counterparts to Step Up
Queensland’s groundbreaking announcement today of a more than half billion dollar investment of strategic public capital into a battery industry strategy means the sunshine state is now becoming the nation’s cleantech leader, streaking ahead of the other states and the federal government to claim the zero-emissions energy and investment crown. Read more
OP ED | Here we go again: Rooftop PV + SMRs + CCS the latest ploy in the Coalition’s ‘disrupt and delay’ handbook
Here we go again – the latest salvo from the climate laggards of the National Party designed to disrupt and delay Australia’s accelerating clean energy revolution. This time, it is couched in the tactically crafty but deeply cynical and flawed view that distributed renewables – minus utility-scale – are the solution to electricity grid decarbonisation. Read more
REPORT | Queensland’s Energy Transformation: From Coal Colossus to Renewable Energy Superpower
An analysis of Queensland’s current energy grid and its transition from FY24 to FY36, modelling the impacts of large-scale and distributed energy generation and storage to meet Queensland’s renewable energy and emissions reduction targets. Read more
OP ED | Massive Victorian blackout a copybook illustration of need to build energy system resilience & accelerate transition to firmed renewables
Yesterday afternoon storms damaged power lines across Victoria taking all four generators at AGL’s massive end-of-life 2,210 megawatt (MW) coal-fired Loy Yang A power station offline as part of a cascading series of events, and with it 30% of the state’s power supply. This is a massive wake up call on the unreliability of ailing coal clunkers and the need to transition to firmed renewables. Read more
GUEST POST | Northern Beaches (Sydney) Indoor Sports Centre: A Case Study in Commercial and Industry (C&I) Rooftop Solar
Guest contributor Owen Evans breaks down a C&I solar project and the cost saving benefits. Read more
REPORT | CEF’s activities and impacts report July-Dec 2023
A full overview of our work and impacts across our program areas for the 6 months July-Dec 2023 Read more
MONTHLY CHINA ENERGY UPDATE | 2023 China Electricity Mix Yearly Review: Massive Decarbonisation Progress is Key Economic Stimulus
In 2023, China experienced a groundbreaking surge in renewable energy, installing 292.8GW of clean power, surpassing expectations. Solar capacity grew by an impressive 148%, with 216.9GW added, while wind power increased by 75.9GW. These achievements, constituting 52.4% of total installed capacity, drove China’s economic growth and decarbonising China’s job market. Challenges remain, including high reliance on thermal power, but China’s clean energy push sets a global example for sustainable development. Read more