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Reports and Analysis

Reports and Analysis |  |  Mar 8, 2023

Momentum builds: New NSW Treasury guidelines factor price of carbon emissions into assessment of fossil fuel projects 

More good news on the decarbonisation front as NSW Treasury guidelines require proponents to factor the price of Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions into their cost benefit analyses of projects greater than $10m value – a welcome development that complements the carbon pricing at the centre of the federal Safeguard Mechanism reforms. Under these guidelines, major projects such as Whitehaven’s climate-wrecking Narrabri coalmine expansion would fail to secure approval. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Mar 8, 2023

Superfunds with Adani exposures in spotlight as global fund manager throws lifeline to embattled giant

As major investors bail and ASX-listed global fund manager GQG throws flailing Adani a US$2bn lifeline, questions are raised about Australian superfunds’ investments in the conglomerate. If the Hindenburg allegations are proven, the funds are effectively using their investors’ money to bankroll the largest corporate con in history – not to mention the biggest developer of new coal in the world. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Mar 3, 2023


The launch of CEF’s major new report on Australia’s once-in-a-century critical minerals opportunity – “A Critical Minerals Value-Adding Superpower” – with a foreword and AFR op ed by former chief scientist Dr Alan Finkel, the latest developments on the Adani crisis, and the rocky path of the Safeguard Mechanism reforms with just 3 weeks till parliament rises ahead of the May budget. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Mar 3, 2023

Finding Australia’s place in the global geopolitical contest on energy and supply chain security

This week saw Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers make the call to back the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) recommendation to reject a Chinese-linked fund’s increased equity stake in an emerging Australian critical minerals developer, Northern Minerals, which is set to mine the rare earth dysprosium, used as an additive in neodymium magnets for electric vehicle motors. We look at the geopolitical implications of this move in the context of China’s global dominance on all things decarbonisation and responses by our trading partners. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Feb 28, 2023

REPORT | A Critical Minerals Value-Adding Superpower

CEF’s new report is the first to comprehensively map Australia’s ‘once in a century’ opportunity to lead the world in value-added energy transition materials, including critical minerals, by processing, refining and manufacturing onhsore pre-export using our abundant renewable energy – a multi-hundred-billion dollar investment and export opportunity as the world rapidly decarbonises. The leading investment bank expects the “trilemma” of energy security, sustainability and affordability to remain in focus in 2023. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Feb 21, 2023

AEMO updates its Electricity Statement of Opportunities

The Australian Energy Market Operator released an update of its Electricity Statement of Opportunities overnight. It confirms significant progress on decarbonising our grid in the last six months, coupled with the urgent need for accelerated investment in new generation, energy storage and transmission to ensure reliable supply as fossil fuels exit the grid, flagging a staggering 209 gigawatt pipeline of new firmed #renewables proposals worth over A$250 billion, and highlighting how decarbonisation is unlocking massive regional employment and investment opportunities. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Feb 20, 2023

The Safeguard Mechanism overhaul is imperfect, but it is a huge win after a lost decade of climate policy failure

Our latest take on the federal government’s overhaul of a centrepiece climate policy- the Safeguard Mechanism. Yes, it is imperfect. The unlimited use of offsets particularly problematic and they should be a last resort. However, it is a massive win – and opportunity – in that it provides the critical policy architecture for a permanent, high price on carbon, incentivising decarbonisation and investment in clean tech, and it must be understood in the context of the government’s ecosystem of major policy reforms that collectively make significant headway after a devastating decade of LNP policy failure. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Feb 17, 2023

New global study quantifies human toll of fossil fuel price inflation
(as industry revels in superprofits)

A new study in Nature Energy released overnight quantifies the devastating toll of global energy price hyperinflation, with household energy costs spiking up to 113% in 2022.The report said the price crisis could push up to 141 million people into extreme poverty. Meanwhile, as Tim Buckley notes in this analysis, fossil fuel multinationals have extracted massive war superprofits, bringing to the fore again the case for proper taxation of these corporates. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Feb 16, 2023

Is an accelerated Indian energy transition the silver lining to Adani’s downfall?

Our 6th and latest instalment on the Hindenburg washup: While Adani is the biggest private coal developer in the world, the Adani Group had also pledged to invest US$70bn in green industries this decade, suggesting at face value that a setback for Adani is a setback to India’s energy transition. CEF would argue otherwise. Prior to January 2023, Adani was, at best, walking both sides of the street, deploying greenwashing to raise foreign capital, and leveraging global capital markets to expand its fossil fuel interests as it leveraged crony capitalism at home. Read Tim Buckley’s latest analysis. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Feb 15, 2023

The Adani Group is the largest private developer of coal in the world

The fifth and latest in our analyses of Adani in the light of research firm Hindenburg’s allegations of “the largest con in world history”. The Adani family conglomerate proudly professes its exceptionally high environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings. Its slogan says it all: “Growth with Goodness”. But while Adani group is one of the largest investors in green energy, it is also the largest private developer of new coal mines and coal-fired power plants in the world, and has won Government of India support to massively expand its fossil fuel related exposures with new coal-to-plastics plants, LNG import terminals, oil bunkers and gas reticulation systems throughout India. Tim Buckley looks at whether the green claims stack up Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Feb 14, 2023

Crony Capitalism is at the heart of the Adani family empire

CEF has tracked the Adani family for a decade, and their elevation has one key cornerstone – crony capitalism. Our close examination of financial and contractual interactions between government entities and the Adani Group shows that, to become the first amongst equals in India, the Adani family has had considerably more than its fair share of support, particularly since 2014. While the list is very long, in this analysis, Tim Buckley outline some examples below. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Feb 10, 2023

Further reflections on Adani and the Hindenburg Report

Tim Buckley with some further reflections on the Adani crisis, noting the allegations from Hindenburg are not going to go away. For its part, Hindenburg is very comfortable with its legal position. They have effectively issued an open invitation to Adani to sue if they want to experience discovery. That challenge from Wall Street gives credibility to the substance of the report. Read more

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