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Reports and Analysis

Reports and Analysis |  |  May 16, 2023

BNP Paribas policy excluding new oil and gas flags capital shift to decarbonisation

Last week, BNP Paribas (BNPP) released its oil and gas financing policy committing the bank to excluding the financing of new oil and gas fields, and making it the second largest bank in the world, after HSBC, to make such a commitment. This builds on BNPP’s target of January 2023 that by 2030, low-carbon energies would account for 4/5 of the Group’s financing for energy production. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  May 12, 2023

CEF NEWS UPDATE | Our Budget wrap, China renewables surge and more

We take a close look at Budget 2023/24, finding the new $4bn in funding around renewables leaves us short of the capital needed to position Australia as a cleantech superpower and respond to the US IRA, as new figures from China show a staggering surge in RE installs Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  May 10, 2023

ANALYSIS | Federal Budget 2023/24

The Federal Budget is a mixed bag for climate and energy with a serious case of underreach on fixing the failed PRRT gas tax, but some good policy and funding progress on a National Net Zero Authority, energy bill relief and home and business electrification, and measures to respond to the global race to renewables, such as $2bn for a green Hydrogen Headstart program – all in the context of a massive surprise $4.2bn surplus. However, we need to see more fiscal ambition to respond to game-changing international policy and funding reforms such as the US Inflation Reduction Act that are turbocharging global energy transition. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  May 9, 2023

MONTHLY CHINA ENERGY UPDATES | China’s Renewable Capacity Expansion to Catch Up with Newly Permitted Coal Power Plants

China continues to lead the world in all aspects of the global development of zero emissions industries of the future, both in terms of domestic deployment and manufacturing supply chains, both for domestic and export purposes. To meet increasing electricity demand, China is deploying both more coal power plants and more renewables. However, renewables are now leading China’s newly added power capacity. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  May 9, 2023

ANALYSIS | In a groundbreaking development, India’s National Electricity Plan is reported to propose no new coal power

An exciting report has emerged that India’s draft new National Electricity Policy (NEP) has proposed that India stop building of new coal-fired power plants beyond those already under construction. Without getting too excited preemptively, this strategic shift is potentially a critical, globally significant milestone in decarbonisation. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  May 4, 2023

OP ED | Penny Wong: Rebuilding World Orders with Australian Multiculturalism

China Energy Policy Analyst Xuyang Dong argues: “Australia is being remade into an active and helpful middle power in its region with its own agency, constructively and strategically navigating its presence in the geopolitics of growing China-US rivalry.” Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Apr 27, 2023

OP ED | Woodside faces major Safeguard hit as AGM looms

Woodside Energy risks lumping investors with a multibillion dollar bill, says CEF director Tim Buckley. That’s the cost of meeting measures in the newly legislated Federal climate policy, the Safeguard Mechanism. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Apr 24, 2023

UPDATED ANALYSIS | Global EV Growth in 1QCY2023

CEF’S Matt Pollard updates his analysis of global EV sales in the first quarter of 2023, to include newly released figures from VW, as momentum accelerates globally. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Apr 18, 2023

ANALYSIS | The impact of the Safeguard Mechanism on Woodside’s Burrup Hub gas projects: invest in solutions or cop a multibillion dollar liability

Ahead of gas giant and mega-polluter Woodside Energy’s AGM, we estimate the multibillion dollar carbon liability the company will cop under the critically important Safeguard Mechanism reforms if it fails to abate its emissions and invest in energy transition solutions in line with the climate science, investor pressure and accelerating global momentum Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Apr 17, 2023

ANALYSIS | Global EV Growth in 1QCY2023

CEF’S Matt Pollard takes a close look at global EV sales in the first quarter of 2023, and finds the industry is booming off the back of a massive acceleration in decarbonisation momentum globally. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Apr 13, 2023

OP ED | India has again lifted its ambition on renewables: Global finance is entirely available, now we need to see Indian energy policy delivery

This month, the Government of India announced exciting plans to treble renewable energy tenders to 50GW pa so as to add 250GW of RE by 2027/28. Brookfield of Canada also announced a US$1bn investment in Avaada Energy, which has aggressive solar expansion plans, following a number of significant injections of global capital into Indian renewables this year. We examine the strong momentum building after 3 years of inaction in the country’s energy transformation – traction which now requires government policy ambition and consistency to sustain. Read more

Reports and Analysis |  |  Apr 12, 2023

OP ED | Australia needs a stronger alignment of public and private capital to deliver on our energy transition and climate objectives

Our op ed on a new report released today by the Clean Energy Investor Group and Investor Group on Climate Change, flagging that Australian governments need to collectively lift collaboration with private investors, and derisk the electricity sector to crowd-in private capital at the scale and speed required to meet energy and climate objectives. Read more

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