Climate Energy Finance (CEF) is a think tank established in 2022 that works probono in the public interest on accelerating decarbonisation in line with the climate science.
We conduct research and analyses on global financial issues related to the global energy transition from fossil fuels to clean energy, as well as the implications for the Australian economy, with a key focus on the threats and opportunities for Australian investments and exports. Beyond Australia, CEF’s geographic focus is the greater Asian region as the priority destination for Australian exports. CEF also examines convergence of technology trends in power, transport, mining and industry in accelerating decarbonisation.
CEF is independent, non-partisan, works with partners in the corporate and finance sector, NGOs, government, and progressive social and climate movement organisations in Australia, and is philanthropically funded.
Advisory Board

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Our people

Tim Buckley
Founder and director | Sydney AEST

Annemarie Jonson
Chief of staff / communications | Sydney AEST

Matthew Pollard
Global EV supply chain analyst | Brisbane AEST

Nishtha Aggarwal
Climate finance analyst, Australia and India Markets | Brisbane AEST

Xuyang Dong
Energy policy analyst, China | Sydney AEDST
Our partners
We work in a variety of ways with the following organisations and groups, as well as many others across finance, eNGOs, corporates and government.
Clean Energy Investor Group
Investor Group on Climate Change
Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis
NTPC India
Tata Power India
Graeme Wood Foundation
Ethinvest Foundation
Environmental Leadership Australia
Environmental Defenders Office
First Nations Clean Energy Network
Australian Conservation Foundation
Climate Council of Australia
Climate Media Centre
Climate Action Network Australia
Doctors for the Environment
Lock the Gate
Equity Generation Lawyers
Australian Youth Climate Coalition
The Sunrise Project
Climate Capital Forum
Smart Energy Council
Superpower Institute
Clean Energy Council
Rewiring Australia
Green Building Council of Australia
Beyond Zero Emissions
Meridian Energy
Southern Green Hydrogen
University of Sydney
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